40. Love That Dies

"Dammit!" Manon screams as she faced Felix. "It didn't have to be this way Felix! It didn't have too! We could have just taken the miracle box and their miraculous!"

He shook his head. "You were always so weak."

Manon approached him, her feet moved surprisingly slow. She was petrified.

She thought she was doing the right thing to achieve her dream. She knew it was wrong to others but she couldn't help the desire.

She was going to die here, he would kill every single one of them.


She turned and saw Marinette standing once more. The tears that had been streaming down her face dried toughly to her cheeks. "I know you're still in there Manon. Help me defeat him. Help me avenge Adrien."

Manon took every word her old friend spoke to heart. She was transformed into Mayura, only for the swiftness and strength it would give her.

They couldn't give him time to transform if they did it would be over for them both.

Felix was already so strong without the power of the miraculous.

The two of them charged at the man. He was taken aback by their swift movements but once again dodged them with ease.

He had spent years training to become this strong. Years of dedication, all led up to this.

He wouldn't give up now.

"Just give it a rest Manon!" He bellowed as he kicked her back. "Did you really think you were walking away from here with any of my power? Did you really think I would let you live?" He laughed loudly.

"You're more idiotic than I though!"

Manon growled. "Shut up! Fuck you!" She came at him again but he simply threw her back.

While Manon recovered Marinette took the lead. She called on her lucky charm and looked desperately around for the answer.

It was just about pointless.

This lucky charm wouldn't bring Adrien back, it wouldn't clear her mind.

She wouldn't stop thinking about her sister breaking on the concrete.

She wouldn't stop thinking about how when the boy she loved for so long was dying how she couldn't move.

She wouldn't stop thinking about how you would always be stronger than her and she would just have to accept that.

Because you could make the leap when she couldn't.

Marinette's yo-yo wrapped around his neck just enough to cut off access to his airways. He began to struggle and claw at the magical string.

"Manon! Now!" Marinette screamed as she held him firmly.

Manon, willing all of her strength, hurled towards Felix and pinned him to the ground.

Marinette struggled but she maintained her grasp on her yo-yo.

"This is for everyone." Manon gasped. "You filthy bastard." She ripped off the miraculous and tossed it to Marinette.

Then as a last bit of spit she snapped his finger and pulled of the ring before jumping far enough back where he couldn't reach her.

"Dammit!" He bellowed as he doubled over in pain.

He coughed and tried to regain his strength but fear clouded his every though. "Give it back!" His scream was drawn out and he dramatically stepped towards her.

"Burn in hell." She smiled gently.

"Manon wait-"

"I release you from existence!" She screamed and she dropped the ring instantly.

"Damn you!" Felix screamed as he watched the feather leave his ring and he faded away.

**After that, people began to question the heroes of their town.

Though that didn't last long once they found out that Chat Noir had died fighting for them.

You couldn't remember how long you had stayed there, but you did remember the stars fading and the rain taking over.

You couldn't move from the spot you fell, even when Luka arrived you refused to let him take you away.

You knew the two of you weren't together anymore, but you had no idea how you were supposed to raise your son without him. You may not have been together any more but you would always love him. He had your heart for so many years before the two of you had a child, and he shared your love with another.

He had been there for everything.

Every moment your world fell apart he was there.

When you were ready to end it all, he coaxed you off the edge and told you that you belonged.

He wiped away all the tears that fell.

He held you in each dark moment.

So why wasn't it him that was here now? Why did you give yourself back to the man who betrayed you all those years ago?

If you hadn't, could things have been different?

Would tucking away the love you felt for Luka, would it have changed anything?


Your head hardly raised when you heard her voice. You hadn't allowed Luka to let you go just yet.

It was Manon.

You had hardly seen her earlier, you were so dead set on Felix and Adrien that it barely registered that she was apart of this.


"I'm sorry." She was bowing to you and you were very taken aback. "I tried to stop him I promise. I didn't know he was going to kill Adrien! I just wanted power and to be seen but I went too far! Felix is gone now so you will be safe!" She was sobbing.

You looked at her and you expected to feel so much anger but...she was just like you.

All you could see was you.

Manon felt out of place and desperate for something. She wanted to be seen and heard and loved, but she had no one there to remind her that she was.

She was failed and she did all she thought she could.

You willed yourself to stand.

You stepped towards her and you noticed how she flinched but looked to the ground, willing to take whatever you were about to do.

You stepped closer and wrapped your arms around her. She gasped and you shook you head. "What you did was wrong, but I understand. Thank you for trying to save him."

Your whole life you had been in love with the stars.

You were in love with dancing, especially in the rain.

You were in love with running free with your sister as your pinkies were intertwined—keeping you together always.

You were in love with the rain, how it replenished the earth and allowed the sun to come back and shine again.

But that night the stars dimmed and that love died with Adrien.