Alt Ending 1. Adrien

"He better get the right ones." You grumbled as you stared like a child into the candy store.

You hadn't been back in Paris in a while, your job always kept you busy.

You knew this man was the love of your life when he met you at the airport and brought you to get candies right after.

"He's lucky I love the snow." You grumbled as you rubbed your gloves hands up and down your arms. "Though it's fucking freezing."

"Okay I'm stopping now only psychos talk to themselves."

You heard the bell on top of the door jingle and you turned excitedly when you noticed Adrien left the shop.

"You were so fast! God I love you." You grinned as you jumped up and hugged him tightly. He gladly held you against him.

"I just wanted to make it all more surprising."

"How could you surprise me with candies? You told me about it." You snorted.

Adrien shook his head. "I have another surprise."

You blinked. "You holding a car in that bag? I really love cars."

Adrien laughed as he pulled you in by your waist and kissed your forehead. "No cars."

"Then what is it?" You pouted playfully.

"Close your eyes." He whispered.

"Okay kinky-" he covered your mouth as a child walked by.

You closed your eyes begrudgingly.

His hand was holding yours and you felt him shift towards the ground. A wave of shock was sent through you as his mouth opened to speak.

"Y/n, you're the love of my life." He began. "I told you it could never be anyone but you, I would wait a whole lifetime for you. I will continue fighting for you for the rest of my life, and I so badly want to come home to you and our little boy every day. With all that...will you marry me?" His voice was shaking and you could tell he was trying not to cry.

Ignoring his request you opened your eyes. His eyes were as bright and green as ever and the light from the shop only accentuated that.

His cheeks were red from the cold and you resisted the urge to kiss him right then and there.

"Yes, you idiot kiss me!" You pulled him up and your lips interlocked.

You heard a few people cheering along the streets, and you didn't know that Luka too was smiling and clapping for the two of you.

He could make all the promises he would like but in the end your heart belonged to Adrien, and he would learn to accept that.

With time the two of you got married. You had a large and beautiful home and you had lots of kids.

Adrien always wanted a bit and loving family.

He gave up his role as Chat Noir after they defeated his father and retrieved the miraculous.

All was well.