After Story: 1 (200k special <3)

You were never expecting it to work, you never did. But you promised yourself a long time ago, when Marinette entrusted the miraculous to you—that you would try for your son.

So Dakota would smile the way he used to, bright and innocent—untouched by the pain of losing a father far to young.

You didn't expect it to work.

You knew this was the last thing Marinette would want you to be doing. She entrusted you with the miraculous to protect it, not bring back Adrien.

But you knew in your heart that all of you wanted him back.

But you didn't expect it to actually work.

You stepped forward, reaching for him, your hand falling as your finger tips brushed his cheeks.

"You're not real...are you?"

Adrien's response was a soft laugh and you fell to your knees. He sounded the exact same as he used to, when you spent those nights talking for hours. When he snuck into your room as Chat Noir, when the stars and the wind kept the two of you company. Just two lonely souls desperate for a connection.

It was everything it once was, in a single second, a single laugh.

"Well I assume I'm as real as I once was." He said softly. He crouched down on the ground in front of you, sitting cross legged on your patio. The ground was cold and beginning to stain with your tears.

You glanced up at him and your heart shattered once more. You expected him to look the same as he did when he disappeared from your finger tips, but he didn't.

He looked older, his hair had darkened, the blonde strands were tainted with darker ones. His eyes were tired and his skin began to crease ever so slightly.

He looked like the man you expected to grow old with, the man you thought he would be before you learned he was perfection.

"You're here." You scrambled to grab his hands and keep him close as the realization truly hit you. Reaching to the ground, you grabbed the ring that had fallen from your grasp and slipped it on his finger. He watched you the entire time, watched your hands holding his.

"It's yours. You're in control of your life now Adrien." Your eyes met and you were filled with a determination you hadn't felt since you were kids. "We need you, please don't leave us again."

"I never intended too." He placed a hand on your head and smiled at you.

These memories were intoxicating, tempting you to forget who you were now.

How your life had changed since he died.

He saw it too. "You're married."

Your body stiffened.

"Luka, I hope." He hummed. "He was the only one who ever loved you like I did." He chuckled again.

"Well, he was a close second." He clarified, his smile lighting his green hues.

You ignored him, reaching forward and pulling him tightly to you. It had been too long since you had been in his hold. Too long since you've had a petty argument, talked about your dreams and your son, since you did something so simple as a hug.

"I've never forgotten you." You promised. "I found the strength to move on, but I never stopped trying to get you back. Our family isn't complete without you in it."

"I know, Y/n." He whispered, his hand gripping your shirt as the emotion overcame him too. "I wouldn't be here right now if you had forgotten me."

You laughed, or maybe it was just another sob. At this point the distinction between the two wasn't clear. You were so elated that this had worked, that he was truly here in your arms, again—his heart beating.

But then you remembered, all the time you had lost. The time where someone else had claimed the right side of your bed, because you swore that the left would always be yours.

That man you had married.

Inside with your children.

You let go of Adrien.

You reached up and cupped his cheek, stroking your finger gently across his cheek bone and sighed as it dropped.

"I need to go wake Luka."

**Adrien was sitting on your couch and you had resorted to pacing the hallway that adjoined your room and your children's.

You stopped before Dakota's door, your hand barely raised like you were going to knock. But then you remembered how late it was when you heard the soft sound of his snore lift in the air.

You remembered your husband, who absolutely needed to know about this first.

Retreating to your room, you finally went in.

Luka laid there, clutching your pillow as he slept soundly. His blue hair was a silky mess across his forehead.

It felt like a crime to wake him.

You crept closer, unsure why you walked so quietly. Maybe it was to delay the inevitable.

You imagined he would be angry with you for using the power of the miraculous. Then maybe he would be excited that the man you all loved was back. And then he would probably start to panic.

Because Luka, God love him, but he never felt like he deserved you.

Never felt like he could live up to the fairy tale so much of your life with Adrien had been.

You had to make sure he knew that you were still here with him, that your heart and this life was still yours to share.

You crept over to the bed and sat softly on it, seeing if the slight creak in the mattress would wake him.

No luck.

You leaned forward and brushed his bangs off his forehead, tucking them gently behind his ear.

"Luka." You whispered, running the side of your hand down his jaw gently and to his neck.

"Y/n?" He grumbled, reaching up and wrapping his hand around your waist. You yelped as he pulled you down onto the pillow next to him. "Why are you awake?" He asked as he tucked his face in the crook of your neck.

You smiled, threading your fingers through his hair. You often worked later nights. Your part time job was at a bar down town, while you wrote a fictionalized version of your life during the day.

"You know how Marinette left me the miraculous?" You asked.

Luka tensed.

"What did you do?"

Dammit. He knew you too well.

Tears welled in your eyes. "I brought him back." You whispered and he sat up, bringing you with him in his arms.

He cupped your face so your eyes met him, looking desperately for the truth behind your words. His thumb swiped your tears away and you leaned into his touch as the tears kept flowing.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"I just wish you knew that you can trust me with these things."

You opened your eyes and he wiped away your tears again. Your eyes met and before you could say anything he leaned in and kissed you softly.

"Is he the same?" He asked against your lips, pulling away.

You nodded. "He seems to be."

Luka smiled, picking you up and placing your feet on the floor. "Can I see him?"

Your heart swelled for this man.


He took you by the hand and you led him into the living room.

He paused when he saw him and by his reaction you would have expected Adrien to have disappeared.


But he hasn't. He was still sitting there on your old couch, twirling his mother's old ring. He was staring out the window, watching the stars and the moon shine into the night.

It was strange, watching him watch it without you.


His head turned immediately at the sound of your voice, like always.

His face brightened when his eyes flickered from you to Luka.

He stood and walked over to him.

Luka stuck out his hand like he was going to shake it (a habit he picked up in your time in America) but Adrien hugged him.

You knew then that even though things aren't perfect now, they were going to be alright.

"Mom—what's going on?"

You all turned towards the entry way and Dakota stood there with his eyes wide and his mouth agape.

Adrien was silent.

The two walked over to each other.

They both fell to their knees and hugged each other like there was no tomorrow.

Because who knows what tomorrow will bring? A tomorrow hadn't felt certain for Dakota and his dad for a long time.

But there was finally some hope.