I 6 I

The bright sun rises too early in the morning. It creeps into the window, spreading across my face. I yawn, stretching my arms and groaning. A quick glance at the clock tells me I'm going to be late again. 

'Crap.' I sigh, sitting up and placing my arms back down on the bed. My left hand hits something solid. Something warm. I let out a surprised breath, and a mop of blonde hair is revealed when I pull back the blanket. A small black thing darts out from under the sleeping boy's pillow, giving me what looks like a scolding look. 

'Y/n. What am I doing here?' Plagg demands. 'And where's my cheese? Adrien always gives me cheese in the morning.' 

I gesture to be quiet. 'Don't wake him up.' I smirk. 'He's a sleepy kitty.' 

Adrien lets out a small snore, that remarkably resembles a purr. 

Plagg rolls his eyes, flitting back under the pillow. 'I have Camembert in the fridge.' I whisper. Plagg's eyes light up and he flits out of the room. 

I dislodge Adrien's arm from over my chest, pushing a lock of hair out of his eyes. 

'Kitty?' I whisper, shaking him extremely lightly. 'Adrien, wake up!' 

Adrien shoots up quickly, muttering softly to himself about cats and bugs. 'What-where am I?' 

I smirk slightly. 'Someone fell asleep in costume.' 

His mouth drops open, looking down at himself. He blushes. 'Did I actually sleep here?' 

'I don't know...did you?' 

The familiar Cat Noir smirk spreads across his face. 

'Did we at least have fun?' Adrien grins. 

'Dear lord, Adrien,' I shake my head. 

'Wait, you know who I am!' He gasps. 'God, this- I'm going to be in so much trouble. If Ladybug found out someone knows my identity-' 

'Ladybug won't mind,' I bite my lip. Adrien smirks, glancing down at my lips.  

'Whoa,' I press a hand to his face. 

'How do you know Ladybug won't mind?' He asks, sitting up and pushing the covers off himself. 

'Cause,' I scratch the back of my head. 'I-I know her-we just won't tell her.' I say. 'It would...okay trust me when I say this...kill her if she knew who you really were.' I pause. 'If she knew about us.' 

A grin spreads across his features. 'So we're an us now, are we?' 

'Shut up Kitty.' 

'Make me.' 

'Is that a suggestion?' I tilt my head mockingly. 

Adrien looks into my eyes, blue meeting green-before pulling me onto his lap. 

'I thought you had a thing for Ladybug,' I rest my elbows on his shoulders. 'I thought 'Adrien' had a thing for Marinette as well.' 

'Well 'Adrien' isn't allowed to have a girlfriend.' The corners of his lips tug up in a smirk. 'But Cat Noir is free to do what he likes.' 

'When you say 'do'....' 

He laughs. 'I mean, I-Adrien-like you-Y/n, but Cat Noir also likes you-Y/n.' 

I roll my eyes. 'You're the same person.' 

'I would rather keep our relationship-when I say that I mean Y/n and Adrien-a secret.' Adrien starts. 'But we can let the public know that Cat Noir has a girlfriend.' He smiles. 'It would keep all the crazy Cat Noir fans at bay.' 

'Since when do you have fans?' I tilt my head. 'That could work. But lets not tell anyone yet, Kay?' 

'Whatever you say, darling.' he says. 'But personally, I'm already planning our future. We're going to have a hamster, and it's name will be-' 

I interrupt him, pushing him down and straddling his hips under me. I hesitate, before leaning down and kissing him gently on the lips. Adrien lets out a tiny breath before running a hand through my hair and dislodging my hair tie. My hair falls loose, curling around my shoulder. He pulls me to him, kissing me harder. Without warning, he flips me, so that he's on top. 

'Sneaky,' I breathe. 'come on we have to go to school.' 

Adrien lets out a huff, trapping me under his arm. 'Please just five more minutes...' 

'Five minutes of what, exactly?' 

Suddenly the sound of knock sounds through my door. 'Y/n! You're going to be late!' 
