I 15 I

'Are you sure Natalie won't come in here?' I glance around the room worriedly. 

'Claws out,' the cat in front of me transforms back into the familiar blonde boy. 'Don't worry, she's not coming anytime soon.' 

'How can you be sure?' I ask, staring at all of Adrien's neatly stacked trophies and awards. 

Adrien laughs. 'She and my father went out on an important business trip.' 

I sigh. 'Oh.' 

'Adrien, where's my Camembert?' Plagg squeaks, flying out from Adrien's shirt. 'You forgot to buy some, didn't you?' 

'I-uh,' Adrien looks between me and Plagg, who scoffs. 

'I get it! I'm not your one and only anymore!' A look of extreme dignity flits across his tiny face as he flies around the room. 

'Plagg,' Adrien protests. 'Of course I still care about you-' 

I have to hold in laughter as Plagg holds his nose in the air, sniffing in the other direction. 

'You only care about your precious Y/n.' He flies around my head in a circle. 'And even she gives me Camembert!' 

Adrien blushes. 'I-I-no-' 

'Plagg, I knew this would happen,' I say, pretending to look abashed. 'So I packed you some Camembert in my bag.' 

'See!' He harrumphs in Adrien's face. 'At least your cares about me!' 

'Girlfriend,' Adrien tilts his head. 'Sounds about right.' 

Plagg looks extremely offended, flitting into my bag and coming out with his Camembert.

'Goodbye! I'm going on a date with Tikki!' 

'Wait, Tikki and Plagg are dating?' I gasp once he's gone.

'Apparently so,' Adrien says. 'I only just heard about that recently.' 

'So....what do you want to do?' I ask, sitting down on his bed. Adrien sits next to me. 

'Well, seeing as we're not being attacked at this moment....' 

He leans over, kissing me on the lips. My mouth parts slightly, and I let out a sigh, running my fingers through his hair. And then my stupid phone starts ringing. 

'Ugh,' I groan. 'Who the hell is calling me at this exact moment?' 

'Y/N!' A voice shouts at me through the phone. I have to hold it a foot away from my ear. 


'Where the hell are you? Your room is empty and Mom and Dad are losing their shit right now!' 

'I'm-uh-with uh-' I stutter. 

'Don't tell me you're with that Cat!' Marinette yells. 

Adrien laughs loudly from beside me, and a silence comes from the other end of the phone. 

'Was that Adrien?' Marinette sounds slightly breathless. 'I know that laugh anywhere.' she lowers her voice. 'are you with Adrien?' 

'No, silly!' I say, looking towards Adrien with a murderous expression. 'I'm with Cat Noir.' 

Well....same thing really.

'Okay, well you better come home, because Mom and Dad've already called the police.' 

'WHAT? I'm coming,' I say, hanging the phone up. 

'Need a ride?' He smirks at me.