I 31 I

'I have a question, Mari,' I say to her quietly after breakfast. We're sitting on the hotel bed, waiting for Alya to come back from her daily blogging expedition. 

'Yes?' Mari responds, tilting her head to the side slightly. Her legs drape over the pillow as she leans back. 'What is it?' 

'So-um I thought that you could no longer be Ladybug if anyone knew your identity,' I start casually. 'And uh-Luka and I already know.' 

'Well,' Marinette thinks it over for a second. 'Since I've become the Guardian of the Miracle box, I was able to adjust some of the rules. Nothing to important, but as long as I have confidence in the people who know my identity, I can remain being Ladybug.' 

'I think I understand.' I say. 

'But if I were to lose the trust of the people who know, then I would lose that privilege,' Marinette finishes. 'I'm not worried though.' She smiles. 'I trust you and Luka.' 

My stomach swoops for a second. 'There's something you should know then. It's about Cat Noir's identity.' 

'You know I can't know that,' Marinette says softly. 'I trust you, Y/n. I know that you'll always make the right decisions.' 

'But what if you aren't happy with who Cat Noir is-his identity I mean? Wouldn't it be better if you just knew? Then I wouldn't have to keep secrets.' I frown, flopping onto my stomach. 

'Y/n, I can't know who Cat Noir's identity is.' 

'But I thought you trusted him.' I blink. 

'I do, but it's a bit different. We can't know each other's identities because then our lives would be at risk, as well as the people we love. The reason that you and Luka can know is that HawkMoth doesn't have any idea of it. He would surely find out if Cat Noir and I both knew.' Mari explains. 'And the other thing is, we're partners. Friends of course. But we can't know anything about our personal lives. It would affect how well we work together.' 

I nod slowly. 'But I can't ever show my true feelings for Cat Noir when he isn't in superhero form. Everyone would think I'm cheating.' 

'I get that,' Mari says. 'I can't let people know I love Luka when I'm Ladybug, now can I?' 

'Yeah-' I say. 'That's true.' 

'One day, when HawkMoth is defeated, we won't have to worry about secret identities. You'll be able to tell me who Cat Noir is, and I'm sure I'll still feel the same way.' Marinette promises. 

'Alright,' I agree with a sigh. 'It'll be fine.' 

'Remember to just relax,' Marinette reminds me. 'Don't stress yourself out about this.' 

'I know,' I inhale deeply. 'I know.'

'Don't worry,' Mari smiles, placing her hand on my shoulder. 'It'll all work out in the end.'