I 36 I

I sit down on the park bench, still in Ladybug form, whistling innocently. Two pigeons fly by-cooing at the top of their lungs. 

'Lucky charm,' I say under my breath, and a stone appears in my hand. I glance down at the stone frowning curiously before picking it up and storing it in my Yo-yo. 

'Hey, Ladybug,' Adrien's voice says from behind me. 'Cat Noir said you needed me to catch Chameleon.' 

My face lights up. 'Perfect, thanks for agreeing to help.' 

'No problem,' He sits down next to me on the bench. 'So what's the plan?' 

I tap my forehead. 'Hmmm, we know that Lila gets jealous when you're around other girls, so let's pretend to be buying ice cream or something together. That'll make her mad, and she'll come to stop us.' 

'If I didn't know any better, I would think you just want an excuse to eat ice cream with me,' Adrien says, his expression that of Cat Noir's. 

I pretend to be offended, shaking my head. 'In order for the plan to work, we need Cat Noir,' I say, smiling to myself. 'Where is he?' 

'Uh-he had to go-to the-bathroom.' Adrien improvises wildly. 

'Alight, well that's fine I guess.' I walk over to Andre's Ice Cream stand. 'One ice cream please.' 

'For you two?' He regards me with a confused expression. 'I was not under the impression that you were lovers?' 

'We aren't,' Adrien says, clearing his throat. 'It's actually a plan-' 

'Ladybug?' Alya's loud voice says from behind me. I turn around to see her hands on her hips. 'What a surprise to see you here!' 

'Hi...Alya,' I blink at her with surprise. 'I'm just-uh.' 

'Going out with.....Adrien?' Alya looks confused and a bit put out. 

I motion for Adrien to stay silent. 'Yeah-you know after that thing that happened.' 

'What thin-' I shush Adrien. 

'Of course,' Alya says. 'That thing.' 

'It was so sad that happened to Juleka.' I say. 

'I know, right?' Alya sits down beside me. 'Care for an interview for the Ladybug Blog?' 

'Sure,' I say, immediately pulling the trick that Mari first pulled on Chameleon. I hold out the stone I had in my Yo-yo shoving it at Alya-or Chameleon's lips. 

'What the?' Adrien's mouth drops open. 

'Thanks for your help Adrien,' I say. 'You can go if you want.' 

'No trouble at all.' Adrien nods, running off to presumably transform back into Cat Noir. 

'For the record,' I say as Alya disappears, leaving in her place a stone identical to the one clutched in my other hand. 'It's called the Ladyblog-and nothing happened to Juleka.' 

'Nice one, Ladybug,' Cat Noir says, appearing behind me. 'Looks like you didn't need me after all.' 

'Thank Adrien for me, will you?' I smile at him, tipping my head to the side. 'And I do need your cataclysm.' 

'For the rock?' He asks. 

I nod, placing it on the ground in front of him. 'Cataclysm!' Cat says, tapping the rock lightly. 

'No more evil doing for you little akuma!' I say as the purple butterfly comes flying out at me. 'Time to de-evilize!' I've always wanted to do this. I catch the akuma in my yo-yo. 'Bye bye little butterfly.' 

'Miraculous Ladybug!' 

'Pound it!' I fist-bump Cat Noir as an extremely disgruntled Lila appears in front of me. 

'You were akumatized again,' I say to her before she can utter a word. 'Try to keep your emotions in check Lie-la.'