I 58 I

'J-join you?' I stutter, unmoving. Cat Noir smirks, pointing at the seat next to him. I take the hint, walking over and sitting down next to him. 'I was serious you know.' 

'About what?' He asks, leaning closer to me. His green eyes seem to glow in the moonlight. 

'I do actually have a boyfriend.' I clarify. 'I'm not sure how he would feel about this.' 

'My girlfriend wouldn't mind,' Cat Noir leans back. I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach for some reason. 'She knows that I have girls who are friends.' 

'Does she?' I roll my eyes. 'I don't think I could ever date someone who's as much of a flirt as you are.' 

'I'm not a flirt,' He laughs, though he leans closer to me again. 'See? Not a flirt.' 

'That looks pretty flirty to me,' I say as he turns his head, looking straight into my eyes. The smile leaves his face for a second and he leans even closer. Our faces are inches apart and my breath hitches. 

'I can't,' I stand up. 'Goodbye Kitty.' And with that, I jump off the building. 


What was I thinking? Spending that much time with Cat Noir? Was I cheating on Adrien? Oh no, oh no, oh no.  

I flop angrily onto my bed, punching a pillow. I'm going to have to tell him. 

. ....

The bell rings, shocking me out of my daze. I forgot I was at school. 

'Good morning class!' Ms. Bustier says. 'I'm sure you all remembered that today we're going to be taking a field trip down to the StarTrain station. Max's mom has kindly made reservations for all of us, and we'll be going in small groups.' 

Max looks pleased as Ms. Bustier mentions his name. 

'Of course, it wouldn't have been possible without my Daddy too,' Chloe says with a haughty expression painted across her face. 

'Right,' Ms. Bustier sighs, showing a highly exasperated look. 'When I call your name, I want you to go to your group. Group one- Max, Chloe, Sabrina, Kim, and Alex. Group two- Ivan, Mylene, Lila, Juleka, and Rose. Group three- Marinette, y/n, Adrien, Nino, and Alya.' 

I glance at Marinette, who glances at Alya, who glances at Nino, who glances at Adrien. I sigh, laying eyes on Adrien. He looks just as upset for some reason. 

I wonder what's going on with him? 


'I'd like you to sit in groups of three and two please,' Ms. Bustier smiles at us as we finally make our way onto the train. We had to go last- obviously because we're the third group. 

'You want to sit with Adrien?' Marinette asks, a careful expression on her face. 'Maybe you can sort it out with him?' 

'What's to sort out?' I say, falsely cheerful. I lower my voice to a whisper. 'It's not like I kissed Cat Noir.' 

Marinette nods, regarding me with a worried expression. 'Go sit with him.' She insists. 

I purse my lips, going to sit in the chair beside him. 

'Hey Adrien,' I say. 

'Hi Y/n.' He says dully. 

'Are you okay?' We both ask at the same time. 'You go first. No you.' 

We burst into laughter and I point at him. 

Adrien stops laughing and sighs. 'I feel like I was...disloyal.' 

My lips part. 'That's literally what I was going to say to you.' 

'Really?' Adrien's mouth falls open. 'Who-what?' 

'I felt like I might have led this guy on that I was talking to the other day-he has a girlfriend, but...he's such a huge flirt. I'm sorry.' I say. 'I honestly didn't even kiss him or anything. We were just talking but it felt wrong.' 

Adrien nods slowly. 'Same. I was talking to this girl and she didn't really lead me on but I felt like..' he hesitates for a second, frowning. 'It felt like I was talking to you and I forgot myself for a second.' 

'Oh.' I say. 'Did you kiss her?' 

'No,' Adrien says quickly, shaking his head. 'I'm really sorry y/n.' He says genuinely. 

'I'm sorry too,' I say, slightly relieved. 

'You're the one I'll always love.' He says.