I 63 I

Adrien lowers his gun slightly, his green eyes meeting mine. They seem to glow slightly in the dark, his blonde hair falling just over his left eye. The warmth of his body seeps into mine as his hands clasp my shoulders. I lean in, kissing him slowly. This is literally my only plan right now. He sighs into the kiss, his grip relaxing slightly on the gun. Adrien wraps his other arm around my waist, hugging me to him and that's when I tackle him onto the ground. 

'Sneaky,' Adrien breathes, his voice light and teasing. I pin him to the ground, one arm across his chest. My eyes sparkle as I turn to reach for my gun. 'You'll have to do better though.' I have no time to react when he grabs my arm, flipping me over onto my back. He hovers over me gently, pressing my arms to my sides. 

'Oh, real nice Agreste,' I say. 'Really clever of you.' He smirks down at me, tugging lightly on my ponytail. 'You'd better not shoot me.' 

'What are you going to do about it ?' Adrien's tone changes slightly and becomes that of-wait. 

'Calling me Dupain-Cheng now, are you?' I raise my eyebrows. 'Is that because I called you Agreste?' 

Adrien pretends to think it over, leaning gently onto my hips with his. I'm still pinned to the ground, but it's actually a relatively comfortable position. 'Well, I've never really liked your last name, come to think of it,' Adrien blinks, his mouth opening slightly. 

'What would you have it be?' I tip my head, eyes widening innocently even though I already know what he's going to say. 

'Agreste,' He says promptly. 'Y/n Agreste,' 

'Enough talk now, if you're going to kill me, just do it.' I say, sighing. 'Get it over with.' 

'It's fun to watch you suffer though,' Adrien says, leaning down and brushing my lips lightly with his. He pulls away quickly, watching expression. 

'You're such a tease lately,' I gasp, staring up into his familiar green eyes. 'Bitten by the Cat Noir bug?' 

Adrien smirks, pulling me up onto his lap so that I'm straddling his hips. 'Maybe.' 

'So you're letting me go now are you?" I ask, kissing him again and feeling his soft hair in my fingers. 'After all that?' 

Adrien shrugs, letting me stand up. He grabs me around the waist, crushing me to him one last time before releasing me. Jesus Christ this boy, I-

'Luka and Nino are both out, as are Marinette and Alya,' Adrien says. 'I heard Marinette and Luka shoot each other at the same time.' He explains quietly. 'So it's just you and me now.' 

'You and me against each other.' I echo. 

'That actually sounds pretty good-' 

'You're spending to much time watching Meliodas.' I laugh, covering his mouth with my hand. 

'You want me to treat you like he treats Elizabeth?' Adrien asks, his arms sliding around my back again. 

My cheeks turn red. 'Wh-ah-i-um-' 

Adrien smiles slightly. 'Let's go back to the others.' 

'But what about the game?' I ask. 'It's a tie.' 

'Come on,' He says, picking up my gun and giving it to me. I take it warily, turning around and starting back in the direction I came in. 'Oh-and one more thing.' 


A bright light hits me. 

'You're out.'