I 92 I

So..I know the storyline can be a little confusing because they went to a whole other reality in the earlier parts of the story and it didn't make much sense.

The only things you need to know is that

And—Y/n doesn't have a kwami yet. 

Back to the story!!


I still don't know why I was dumb enough to say 'claws out'. It's like rule number one of having a Miraculous—or wearing one at least; don't trigger the fucking transformation. Adrien didn't seem particularly upset about it *rolls eyes*. And I guess wearing the suit wasn't too bad. But..now I had to go fight a supervillain in front of all of Paris. 

"You'll do great," Adrien remarked, doing an awkward thumbs up. I sighed loudly, casting one last glance at him before running in the direction of Ladybug and Mr. Pigeon. 

When I finally got there after tripping over my feet several hundred times, I could see my sister awkwardly batting birds away from her face. Her yo-yo was swinging wildly and feathers were flying everywhere. 

"It's about time you showed u—" Ladybug's eyes widened and she looked at me with shock. I thought she was going to recognize me at first, but she didn't say anything about me being her literal twin. "Who're you?" 

"Rule number one of being a superhero!" I said, hitting Mr. Pigeon out of the air with my long metal pole. He landed face down on the ground. "Don't reveal your secret identity!" 

From there, things were a lot easier. Ladybug performed her usual song and dance, de-akumatizing the akuma and sending the butterfly on it's way. 

"Thanks for your help, uh, what should I call you?" Ladybug placed her hands on her hips, staring at me. 

Did she seriously not recognize me as the girl she grew up with? It's not like I could just tell her. Because, then, she would find out that I had Cat Noir's ring..and she would connect the dots between me and Adrien hanging out in detention...it was too complicated. 

Well, maybe she wouldn't actually. Marinette and Adrien share the same blindness trait. 

"I didn't really pick a name," I said sheepishly. "I thought this would be like a one time thing." I thought about it for a couple of minutes. "I guess you could call me...Ladynoir, but that's kind of a dumb name..." I mentally retraced my words. "That's also a ship name..so." 

Ladybug ignored the last part. "Why do you have Cat Noir's miraculous?" 

"It's a really dumb story," I tugged anxiously at my braid. "He was occupied with some stuff and so..he gave me his ring for this time so I could help you out. Sorry." 

"No, it's fine," she still looked confused. "But then, do you know Cat Noir's identity?" 

"Nope." I said, hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions. 

Marinette, being the trusting person she is, nodded reluctantly. "Well, if Cat Noir trusts you, then I do too. I hope I'll see you again sometime." 

"I'm sure you will," I said, thinking about the fact that I was going home TO THE HOUSE WE SHARE. 

"HEY! OVER HERE, OVER HERE!" Suddenly, there were news reporters in my face with flashing cameras and microphones. "Who is this new mysterious superhero? Tell us your name! Are you going to be sticking around?" 

I gulped. "Uh, my name is Ladynoir...and I'm substituting for Cat Noir.." 

"Do you think we could get an interview with you?" They asked. 

"Now?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Nadja has her show tonight. Do you think you could invite Ladybug as well?" They begged, and I blinked, trying to get the flashing lights out of my eyes. 

"Uh, sure." Is this what being a superhero was like? 

One of them handed me a paper. "Don't be late." 

I walked home three minutes later, completely drained. 

Adrien was standing behind a building, looking like a creepy stalker—I made a quick dash behind the tall cement to transform back. 

"Plagg, claws in," I said, catching the kwami in my hand. "That was insane." I said. "And now they want an interview?" 

Adrien looked fake-offended. "I never got an interview."

"That was a bad idea," Plagg squeaked. Adrien handed him a piece of cheese. "But we should definitely do it again!"