
Deylor took a step forward.

The nearby students quickly scuttled away.

"Haaaa." Deylor sighed.

This had been a repeating event,

After the well-built boy woke up he claimed that he was just saying hello when he got sent flying,

And who would the crowds believe?

The boy who got gutted 50 feet back and bruised his nose or the spotless boy who nervously looked around the room.

Deylor quickly opened the door to his dorm to see quite the sight.

A boy with snow-white hair playing with dolls.

His childish smile seemed ever so innocent until his eyes bore the presence of Deylor.

His body shook uncontrollably until he flashed towards Deylor.

All Deylor saw was a white blur before he was pinned against the wall.

"What did you see?" The white-haired boy asked maniacally.

"WHAT DID YOU SEE." The white-haired boy shrieked.

Deylor mustered his courage to reply.

"Nothing, was just admiring the walls. Haha."

The white-haired boy loosened his grip as he walked off menacingly.

"Better of." He whispered.

Deylor stretched his neck.

It had been a while since he got overwhelmed to such a point.

He quickly unpacked his stuff into an empty drawer before going to a bed.

A note was placed on top of the bed.

It worded.

Quinton's bed.

Okay, Deylor thought as he moved on to the next bed.

A note was placed on top of the bed.

It worded.

Quinton's bed.

Deylor's mouth twitched as he stopped his anger from surging.


Deylor moved on to the next bed.

A note was placed on top of the bed.

It worded.

Quinton's bed.

And then he moved to the next bed and then the next bed and then the-.

Wait a minute, Deylor thought. There are only 5 beds.

Only one way to do this. Deylor brushed his hands together.

The sun burned in the sky as day came,

Quinton got out of his bed, played with his dolls and brushed his teeth. He quickly checked his beds until he found a mattress and pillow missing on the last one. His note on the frame.

15m away he saw a mattress, a pillow and a messy-haired boy sleeping peacefully.

He blurred to the boy grabbed the mattress and threw it away.


"Where'd you get the mattress huh?" Quinton roared.

Deylor looked left and right and the at Quinton. Still in a dazed state.

"Where, where , where?"

Quinton jumped up and down in correlation.

Deylor rubbed his eyes before lazily responding.

"I don't know man, maybe it fell off."

Quinton's anger rose.

He blurred towards Deylor but all he met was a red fist before he was sent flying out the door.

Deylor quickly went through the door to assert his dominance.

"And don't even think of messing with me agai-."

"The shady kid is bullying people again."

"God, I can't believe people like him actually exist."

"He really doesn't care about his reputation."

Deylor froze before pushing some hard words out of his mouth.

"Hey, Quinton buddy." He put on an awkward smile. "You, uh tripped? Guess I'll help you up!."

" He's trying to hide it."

"Even more suspicious."

"Call a teacher, he's pulling him back to his room for more!"

Deylor wailed in his room.

He really wasn't a bully.

He was just trying to do self-defense...

"Deylor, you alright. You look tired as hell." Jack spoke concerningly.

"I'm done for Jack. Done for." Deylor responded with as much emotion as a dead fish.


"It can't be that bad..." Jack responded despite the uncertainty written on his face.

Deylor gazed into the distance once more.

"Let's go to Ability Control!" Jack spoke with a smile as Deylor limped and ambled to the Ability Control room. People forming a safe 5-m radius around him.

"Yeah, that's bad." Jack spoke as he sighed.

The academy life was not at its peak.

"And that's why learning to control your powers differs on the power."

The professor quickly lotioned his bald head before he continued speaking.

"Now I want you to pick a partner and use your ability in a way you haven't even thought of doing it before."

Silence ensued.


Students quickly scrambled as they searched left and right for partners. A split formed in the unpartable crowd as Deylor looked around for Jack.

He quickly caught his eyes on Jack's ash-blonde hair as he waved only for a huge-silhouette to cover his sight.

"You'll be fighting me today." The huge silhouette spoke deeply as his muscles bulged he bore an uncanny resemblance to Deylors first bully.

Deylor tilted his head in confusion as he replied.


The professor stood up once again as he spoke.

"Now that everyone has a partner, we will begin in 5,4,3-"

10 neon-green energy balls flew swiftly towards Deylor.

The dazing Deylor quickly erupted with thick-red energy. His movements a blur as he darted across the room.

The energy-balls skimmed him as he flashed from around the huge silhouette.

Deylor heard the sound of wind rushing behind him before he ducked out of instinct. His eyes stared down only to see a sea of green about to hit him momentarily.

Deylor swiftly maneuvered through the sea of green as the energy balls skimmed the side of his body leaving slight burn marks.

Deylor then used bursts of footwork to avoid the maze of green before he blurred in front of the huge student. He clenched his fist as he aimed for a punch. It was short a meter.

The huge student smirked but Deylor smirked too.

Red energy erupted from Deylors fist as it made it's way to the huge student.

The immense energy faded fast before it came to a stop at the student's chest.

The huge student felt his chest get propelled back before he used his feet to stabilize himself.

He placed his hands down to stop himself from falling.

He looked up to see a red foot in front of his face.

And then a hospital ceiling.

After the fight.

"Did he just attack that student before the Professor said go?"

"What was that speed?"

"He really went all out, it's just training..."

"He should get punish-".

"SILENCE." The professor roared a with a cold look in his sea-green eyes.

"Continue your training."

The professor sat down and pondered.

During the fight, from start to end the red student showed incredible speed and exponential maneuvering as he got out of tough situations but that wasn't what grasped the professors attention.

Towards the end of the fight the student released a fist full of energy. It was immense and not controlled however as it slowly diminished a faint fist formed causing the huge student to get pushed back.

But this although it surprised the professor was not nearly as important as what he saw in the final kick.

In the final kick, all of the student's energy had been used however a huge burst of energy erupted again yet this time it wasn't dense enough to hide its true nature.

Demonic energy.

The professor squinted his eyes as he observed the bored student.

"That lesson was so carefree!"

"I know right, I wish all lessons were-"

"Want to get some food after this?"

"Let's get a bite at-"

The professor cleared his throat as he buttoned up his blazer.

"Student Deylor, please make your way to my office after class."

Deylor gulped.

He too had noticed the final burst of energy at the end of the fight. It was not like his usual energy bursts that were dense and smooth it was like a raging beast that erupted uncontrollably.

Deylor waved goodbye to Jack as he walked to the professors office.

He opened the door.

The professor turned his chair around as he said coldly.

"Hello Student Deylor. or should I say Demon Deylor."

He knew.

Deylors heartbeat bombarded his mind.

He breathed heavily.

The professor blurred towards him a hand now on his shoulder.

His mouth opened slowly.