
The black sky lorded over the mortals as the silver moon illuminated buildings,landscapes and life-forms alike.

A white mansion lay in the distance and in the near a protruding portal of unending black formed. From within in it 50 masked individuals left. Their masks possessed different shapes and sizes but all had numbers. Going from 1-50."

The mask men huddles as the man with a 1 on his mask spoke.

"Teams 1 through 5 will target the students whilst teams 6 through 8 shall halt the teachers. Be swift, kill those that take too much time and if you see a teacher leave them for teams 6 through 8. That's an order. The masked men twitched as the word order sounded.

As the portal of protruding black appeared once again, albeit within the white mansion, students slept peacefully. For a short while, that is.

Students screamed as they got absorbed into strange orbs but their voices faded before they could reach even a meter in distance.

The physical teacher wiped his eyes with a cloth as he walked into the student dorms to check.

The physical teacher then met eyes with a masked man. He wore the number 18. No hesitation.

A knife streamed through the air before it reached the physical teachers neck.




The knife split in half leaving the attacker entirely open for an attack. The physical teacher grinned as he revealed his lengthy ginger hair that he tied into a ponytail while kicking the attacker through several walls.

That should wake up the students- thought the teacher.

But before he could even take another step a hand placed on his soldier and a bleeding Man with a mask that said 18 aimed a fist at his face.

With inhuman speed, the physical teacher grabbed the hand and slung the masked man over his shoulder.


Something broke.

The masked man had broken some bones and the bottom of his mask. However he quickly got up. He dashed towards the physical teacher who prepared a fighting stance. As the physical teacher punched a shockwave travelled through the corridor however the masked man had appeared at the physical teachers shoulders, in mid air.

A smile could be seen as his body exploded from the inside out destroying the corridor and scorching the physical teacher.

The physical teacher quickly batted out the flames on his arms before he searched for another Masked man.


The control Magic teacher could be seen battling a masked man with the number 5.

The man had been using some sort of poison ability as he poisoned everything he touched. He threw several kunais coated green towards the bald teacher only for them to stop in mid-air and get sent flying back. The man cut himself and controlled his blood with poison to block the kunais. The man quickly blurred towards the control teacher.

He reached his hand. This match was settled.

The control teacher merely moved his finger.

From right, to left.

And the masked man was sent flying through several walls. His body ragdolled from the impact.

As the masked man flew through the walls the sound of cutting wind could be heard.

The control teacher quickly stopped a wired kunai from cutting his neck using his wind domain ability.

Everything froze as the control teacher disabled his ability.

Before the control teacher could even move a step 3 masked individuals came forth.

One bore a blazing katana a number 9 on his neck, another bore a sword of light alongside a mask that bore the number 4 and the last possesed 5 floating spears of pure darkness alongside his mask that bore the number 6. The darkness inside swirled uncontrollably before letting loose.

The control teacher massaged his chin.

A blazing storm on his right, a light blade incoming from his front and 5 spears that would corrode his body on the left.

The control-teacher closed his eyes as he used all his will-power to summon his infamous.

"Omni-directional blast." The control-teacher spoke calmly but his ability ravaged wildly. It sent the men flying away and changed the direction of the darkness spears so they slightly missed.

The control-teacher breathed a sigh of relief before in front of his eyes lay a bright light.

Crashes sounded as the control teacher was sent flying through several walls.

His wind-barrier had cracked from the force and his wind magic halted his trail of dust.

The bright light appeared once again however this time the professor was ready.

"Crescent wind blades."

Numerous crescent wind blades were summoned in front of the professor. Threatening to slice and dice anything that touched them but the masked man merely scoffed as he traversed around the corridor using light speed to dodge the blades.

Another masked man returned his eyes filled with revenge.

A dark spear formed as it corroded the nearby ground before it flew through the air leaving a black trail in its place.

The light user masked man manoeuvred throughout the other corridor meaning that the professor could only go left to dodge the spear. And that he did. As the professor prepared his next spell the three masked men used their strongest attacks. The light user summoned hundreds of swords of light that pierced the wind barrier, the dark user summoned a corrosive ball that teared through the professors arm leaving the professor heavily wounded.

The professor began casting his next spell until...


A sword of flames lay in his heart.

"You let your guard down."

The old professor chuckled.

"And you didn't?"

The old professor manifested into wind.

The 3 masked men widened their eyes in surprise.

A wind illusion. But before they could even lift a finger.

The professor released his perfect control magic- Lethinir.

A huge wind dragon that teared through the corridor instantly crashed into the three masked man sending them down the whole mansion before stopping at a nearby hill where 3 corpses now lay. Illuminated by the moonlight. Their blood ran down the hill down the huge dirt trail that Lethinir had created. It had left a fluorescent gem-green trail that shined in the moonlight.

A pile of masked men lay on the floor, cold , as a man with short blue hair stood at the top. His body toned and refined. His form elegant as a swan.

"I see." A masked man with the number 3 on his chest stroked his chin.

"He uses a mix of martial arts and intense speed and power to overwhelm opponents."

"Guess it's your unlucky day that you had to fight someone like me."

The martial professor instantly flashed towards the masked man as he used his most basic move. A right hook.

He landed it cleanly, but after he sent the masked man flying a force was sent from where his fist landed.

It swept over his body.

His skin quickly disintegrated as he felt as if his whole body was on fire.

" 1 layer." The masked man spoke calmly as he stood behind the Martial teacher unharmed.

The martial teacher grit his teeth under the abominable pain as he punched again however this time he didn't make contact.

"Smart." The masked man replied. As he flew away slowly from the impact.

The martial teacher felt a hand on his back.

"2 layers."

Excruciating pain ran throughout the martial teachers body.

"3 layers."

"4 layers."

"5 layers."

The martial teacher stood one the brink of death.

His body, a bloody mess. He could barely lift an arm but he did. He used his ability for the last time as he gathered all the nearby energy for his final attack.

He didn't do a huge punch or a final combo. Instead he pierced the masked mans chest and grabbed his heart. But as he grabbed his heart.

"10 layers."

He quickly disintegrated.

And just like that, an expert-hero Mr.Martial was defeated flawlessly.

The masked man quickly recovered his layers before he set out for his next target.

The physical teacher chucked yet another masked man behind him.

It was his what? 15th one?

But he stopped his calm walk.

For his opponent exuded that much power.

His opponent met his eyes and he saw two cold white eyes.

Before an ear-shattering shockwave formed and dragged him through the dirt for 50 meters.

"Interesting." He shrugged the dirt off his shoulders.

He activated his ability.

"Power enhancement."

With this ability, battles were won in seconds.

He could simply power himself up as much as his energy allowed it.

But the man before him was not so easy to beat.

He quickly aimed a punch at the man right in the face.

His punch cracked the walls behind it despite the distance.

Then man blurred upwards before releasing a shockwave equal to the last.

The nearby walls fell down. The physical teacher fell once again with the walls.

The physical teacher trailed through dirt once again.

And as he was pulled through the dirt by this invisible force. A hand reached down.

He punched it but missed.

A silver blur appeared at his side.

"Got you." Was all he heard before a shockwave travelled throughout his body.

An organ burst, his muscles pained.

He grimaced .

"Guess I'm not leaving here alive."

"Power enhancement."

He smiled widely.

"Maximum limit."

The masked man didn't care as he once again released a shockwave but this time things didn't go to plan.

The physical teachers punch matched his shockwave, overwhelmed it slightly even causing him to be pushed back a few steps. As the placed his hands on the floor to stabilize he looked up.

Bad decision.

His face met a fist that sent his body flying through 20 walls.

He coughed up blood as he stood up.

Bad decision.

A fist hit his stomach

He was once again sent flying as he trailed through fields of grass.

He didn't stand up, learning from his mistakes but instead released a shockwave. What happened next shocked him even more.

His shockwave reversed onto him.

His bones shattered as he spat out blood.

The physical teacher quickly tackled him before he fell.

He then did what he did best.

Give a good beating.

He pounded the masked man left and right until his mask cracked, his body screamed in pain and his eyes watered.

The physical teacher noticed his body reaching its limit so he hesitated before reaching for the masked mans heart.

The masked man used this opportunity to respond in kind.

Two black silhouettes both a hand through each other's heart slowly fell. The cracked mask revealed the number 2.

Both sides had lost a strong fighter.

And the blood had only begun to be spilt.