
From a young age, John trained his body so that the backlash of his ability would destroy his enemies before himself and he had put blood,sweat and tears to obtain a solid build.

And now his training was put to use.

His 2 brothers lay behind him, on the floor as pale as ghosts. Unconscious, of course.

And in front of him was a masked man with the number 32 on his mask.

The man had the ability to enhance external things and it was quite the trouble.

His armor was now as thick as steel, his weapon hit like a truck.

His shield was an unbreakable wall.

But John gritted his teeth.

John stared at the man ferociously before he spoke.

"Hit yourself as hard as you can."

Before the man could lift a finger, his body lifted an arm.

He sent himself flying backwards with the force of a truck as his esteemed silver-hammer had launched him 3 walls back.

John too had punched himself in the face against his will.

2 of his broken teeth lay on the floor.

His face bloodied as he continued.

The masked man quickly appeared behind John, enhancing his equipments speed as he struck John muttered but a word.

"3X Weight increase."

John felt his energy drain as the words left his mouth and his legs trembled.

John did the only thing he could.

He hit the masked man left and right.

He had long made this his signature move.

After training for years on end, John could move efficiently under the gravity increase.

His opponent, weighed down by his enhanced items was no more than a punching bag who needed all his energy to lift even an arm.

As he grabbed the masked man by the neck a cold hand landed on his head.

And smashed it into the ground.

2 more masked individuals rushed in their numbers blurred by John's eyes.

They began assaulting John.

John cried as his ribs broke, his muscles tore and his body bled.

As John shrieks from pain and agony he screamed from his soul.


They were on the 7th floor.

The ground outside was rocky.

Death waited patiently.

The masked men ,against their will, jumped out the window.

Three splats were heard.

John spat blood from his ability overuse as he too slowly left for the window.

Before he left he saw his two brothers, newly conscious looking at him in distraught.

John smiled as tears streamed down his face.



The sound of silence followed.

A splat sounded.

Blood sprayed.

In a green grass field, illuminated by the moonlight.

A spark of lightning transformed into a thunderous bolt that instantly hit an invisible wall before a dark silhouette.

"Nice try, young man." The control professor spoke in a melancholy tone.

Several more bolts of lightning were halted by invisible walls.

The professor chuckled.

"I'd love to do this all day however." The professor's aura changed chaotically.

"Time is short."

Several invisible wind blades formed and swiped in different directions.

A dissected corpse lay on the cold floor.

It's gruesome features accompanied by the moonlight.

Its mask bore the number 11.

The professor left the field as he entered the accommodation again.

As he reached the top of the stairs a lethargic feeling of rotating got to his head.

A hand stretched for his neck.


The figure bent as the impact collided with its chest as it was sent flying backwards.

A 7 on its mask.

Wind was pierced as several silver arrows narrowly missed the old professor.

The professor looked as they grow brighter.


The arrows exploded in synchronization.

Flames blazed as a burning man lay in the middle of the flames.

Wind quickly extinguished the flames but the scars remained.

The professor groaned in pain as several masked men closed in on his location...

The students huddled as the resounding booms haunted their spirits.

One snapped twig would make the students huddled inside the corridor flinch.

Deylor and Jack had managed to reach this group of around 15 students..

The students scurried down the corridors looking anxiously for any signs.

It happened in an instant.


Blood spurted. A long narrow sword stuck into a corpse.

The students froze.

Chaos erupted.

The students ran as fast as they could before the sword lengthened and threatened to behead all the students. Alas, the sword's advance was halted.


A bright-blue sword and an engulfed red dagger met the sword.

Deylor and Jack felt their muscles strain as the long sword pushed their feet backwards,

Several more masked man ran forth as a student ran back.

He placed his hands in the earth as he met eyes with the incoming pursuers.

A wall of earth rose.

The student used his ability will of the Earth.

An ability to summon Earth from his soul that shared a connection.

If he never gave up it would never fall.

If it was assaulted he too was assaulted.

Wounds appeared all other the students as he groaned in pain.

His body now tainted red.

However, despite the unending pain and the chaotic situation he kept his will strong.



Deylor and Jack looked away.

The ending was clear as day yet as unwanted as night.

More masked men appeared from the other end of the corridor.

Despair knocked on the door.

Jack and Deylor met eyes as they held hands.

An idea sparked.

Deylor shouted two words in desperation.


And that they did.

As the students held hands.

And the masked men blurred till they were meters away.

Jack smirked as his sword powered up and the students blasted through the wall.

The students cheered, joy written on their faces as they flew through the air away from their pursuers.

Deylor laughed.

"It worked! It really work-."

A deep red static ball hit the ground.

A deep-red explosion formed.

A deep crater formed as everything in the area was eradicated.

Deylor coughed blood as he looked at his state.

His body bloody.

His organs partially impaled from black shards and his eyes hollow.

He quickly looked to his right. Jack lay there, furthest from the attack.

His body was wounded in the chest. A large piece of stone had landed there but his breathing was steady.

Deylor looked left.



Screams of the dead.

15 corpses lay. Their hopeful smiles on their half-eradicated faces.

As Deylor saw a finger rise his hopes relit. And then died out.

The finger rose just to be eradicated by the red-lightning like energy that moved like a snake before it quickly dispersed.

And in the sky stood a masked man.

The number 1 on his mask.

Red lightning flowing through his hands.

His eyes stared in contempt at a suited man on the ground in the middle of the explosion.

The suited man looked at the students to his right in sorrow as he combed his moustache and hair.

The principal of the academy.

The turner of tides.

Alan Tralgder.

Entered the stage.