Elite Gathering

1 Week after Funeral.

"And that's how the Elite-Gathering tournament was founded."

The new professor wiggled his fingers before he continued his lecture.

He was mundane but his speeches were clean. He swiped his brown hair to the side.

"As you know, each expanse in the land will select 5 fighters. Currently the average standard for a Expanse fighter is the ability to defeat a tier-4 (Beast that has evolved 4 times,) beast in a one-on-one situation."

"No pressure if you don't get in, after all. You'll be part of the millions of Children who also failed to achieve glory."

He smiled lightly with a look of nostalgia.

"So in 2 months, you will test at the national center if you would want to attempt to participate in the tournament. There will be 3 tests. A teamwork test, a fighting test and a problem-solving test. Any questions?"

A student raised their hand.

He nodded.

"Has our expanse won before sir?"

The professor laughed lightly.

"Once, and it was a complete steamroll. Alas, those were the glory days and now we have the biggest losing streak in all the lands."

Gaspes emerged from the students.

Deylor looked at Jack.

"Reckon we could make it?."

Deylor asked while thinking back to his previous fights.

"Depends, if what they said is true. Then, it sounds like a breeze to get into the 'worst lands' team."

Jack scratched the back of his head.

Deylor stretches his arms up.

Jack did some lunges.

1 month and 25 days of Training Montages later...

Jack and Deylor entered two swirling gateways.

"See you on the other side." Deylor stretched his arms.

"Alright..." Jack looked at the portal. His face uneasy.

They stepped in simultaneously.

The goblin King, (A tier 4 beast), looked around in the darkness. His size filled the entire cavern.

The green crystals illuminated his green skin as he dragged his huge metal club around.

The Goblin Kings eyes widened.



The sound of a sharpening blade.

As the Goblin King looked at the human sitting on a pile of his brethren he roared in anger.

He charged violently only for the human to disappear in an after-image.

The sound of wind moving sounded behind the Goblin King.

He moved his club backwards.

The sound of clashing sounded.

The Goblin King quickly slammed his club down.

Traces of dense red aura diminished on the ground.

The Goblin King looked up.

A black silhouette radiated dense red energy.

The red energy grew evermore until.

Time slowed.

The sound of blood gushing resounded in the cavern as the Goblin Kings lifeless corpse fell to the ground.

A dark gap in the middle.

Deylor sat down panting.

His last attack had used most his energy but he had done it.

Now all that was left was to collect the loot.

As Deylor left the Dungeon a familiar set of eyes met his..

Jack tapped his Dimensional ring as Deylor mirrored his movements.

Deylor shoved the head of the Goblin King in front of Jacks face while Jack shoved the head of a wraith into Deylors.

The boys smirked.

As they chatted away whilst walking back to the school a hooded man suspiciously walked down the side of a road.

He knocked shoulders with people many times but all they could do was look at his fleeing behinds.

Knock Knock.

The hooded man knocked loudly on a door.

The door slowly opened.

The hooded man entered.

His eyes darting across the pitch-black stable.

Sweat streamed down his face as he spoke.

"It's ready."

A deep voice emerged from the shadows.


The hooded man cleared his throat.

"The continent tournament."

The feeling of a hand touching the back of his head alarmed him. He looked back.

The hooded man woke up in an alley, in a daze.

He saw two chatting boys, laughing joyously.

He smiled viciously.

"Enjoy your peace."

"While it lasts."

Day of the Country-Team Recruitment.

A sea of teenagers gathered outside a huge arena. Weapons and training clothes equipped.

An announcer spoke of the rules while several employees handed out badges.

"Receive your number and head to the area with your number range above it. Line up until your number is called out where you will head first for the combat exam. If you feel in danger at any point press the red button on your badge. This will disqualify you as well as protect you from 5 attacks from a High Tier-4 Beast."

"I repeat. Recie-."

Jack cleaned his sword with a cloth as he and Deylor talked.

"Confident?" Jack asked with traces of nervousness in his voice.

"Confident enough..." Deylor talked slowly his uneasiness showing.

The two continued chatting after they received their badges. The two waved goodbye before Deylor went to area 300-400 whilst Jack went to area 600-700.

Participants left and went as time passed.

After around half an hour of waiting.

"Participant 364 please make your way through the corridor."

Deylor wiped the sweat off his forehead as he ambled through the corridor.

Deylor was pushed into a room.

Pitch-black was all Deylor saw.

"Hello?." Deylor questioned.

"Was there a mistak-."

Something moved within the darkness.

Deylor quickly surged with dense-red energy.

Two yellow eyes glimmered in the darkness.

The black body pounced.

Deylor quickly tried to side-step to the left but something caught his leg.

A shadow.

Deylor gritted his teeth as he formed a dense-red spear from within his aura.

The spear met the Black bodys claws.



The spear pierced through the claws before embodying itself into a layer of fur.

The beast used this opportunity to go for Deylors head.

Blood stained the floor.

The what now seemed to be a horned panther had its head impaled by a sharp point within Deylors aura.

Deylor looked around in suspicion before a monotone voice echoed in the room.


Deylor left the room as a door opened. Behind the door was a pure-white room and within that room 4 people.

2 Females and 2 males.

The 2 females talked, one lively whilst the other quietly nodded.

The 2 males shuffled away from each other with glares on their forces.

Deylor entered the room.