
Deylor slowly sat down as he closed his eyes.

Currently he was in a grey room filled with 100 contestants.

Herlia expanse was the last group to arrive.

Right now they were in a separate land within their expanse named Crayt.

A man explained the rules of the first event.

"The first event shall be the same as the tournaments 227th playthrough, point steal. Every group will participate in this event.

Teams will gather points as a whole and after 2 hours if a team has 15 points or more they pass. At the start of the game every participant will receive a number on their protection amulet. These numbers will range from -2 to 3. This does mean a group can start with 15 points however when a group reaches 15 points for the first time their current location will have several fireworks shown so that the competition can be fun rather than a game of hide and seek. If you defeat someone with a -number you will receive 1 point."

Deylor noted every bit of information as he begun his strategy.

Step 1: Get 14 points..

Step 2: Count for 1 hour 55 minutes.

Step 3: Acquire necessary points last minute.

Deylor chuckled lightly. The plan was simple.

The official at the front continued speaking.

"The map this year shall be a jungle forest and all team members will be separated from the get-go.Your amulets will protect you if you are to receive an attack that would fatally injure or kill you. Lastly, there is only enough points for half the teams to get through and that is without anyone getting over 15."

"Any questions?"

Hands raised.

"Because they won't be getting answered." The official left the room.

Team Herlia huddled.

Deylor spoke first as his eyes were engulfed in determination.

"We should meet at the tallest tree and then move as a 3 and a 2 this way we can survive most attacks as well as maximize our point gainage right?

Jack nodded his head as the others pondered.

After a fast agreement they carefully decided on their groupings.

Adriana voiced her need to group with Cylia the Earth girl and Andrew due to the synergy the 3 had developed.

Deylor agreed since Jack was the only one he could work somewhat well with.

Thinking back to his previous fights him and Jack mostly won due to them pulling a final move from thin air.

Can't do that... Deylor thought.

Deylor spoke as he did some stretches.

"That's a good idea since you three will have the strongest defense for Adriana and me and Jack will be able to go all-out."

Jack spoke hesitantly as he witnessed groups form around them.

"Hey don't you think we should maybe get some alli-."

Everyone in the room looked at their vanishing body parts before they found themselves in an unfamiliar rainforest.

The sounds of dripping water and tweeting birds met Deylors ears as he looked for the tallest tree.

"Great..." Deylors mouth twitched as he looked at the hazy mist that blocked the view and in this case stopping Deylor from seeing the complete landscape.

Deylors amulet glowed before a number 1 appeared on his amulet.

Deylors hand shook as he heard a rustle behind him.

A hand came for Deylors throat.

Chrck. Or that was what Deylor expected to hear.

Deylor looked back just to see a blue energy shield encasing a silver-haired boy before he was apparated away.

Deylor felt his amulet warm up.

The number 2 was now present on his amulet.

Deylor smiled lightly as he carefully trod around.

His red aura was currently out since sneak attacks like the one before could happen at any moment.

Deylor hid behind a tree as a small sound of chatter echoed at the back of the jungle habitat.

Deylor peeked to see a group of 3. Their jackets all had different countries shown but Deylor had recognized that the 3 had all been part of one large group before.

Deylors eyes saw a small flash of purple before he quickly backed off in a red blur.

A scorching hole lay in the part of the tree where he had peeked.

A member of the group with a black ponytail looked confused.

"I could of swore I felt a presence there..."

Her 2 male companions checked the tree out.

"Looks just like a normal tree to me."

"Yup, empty fears."

The 3 slowly wondered off

Deylor heaved a sigh of relief as he looked back.

2 bright purple eyes.

A purple eyed girl with straight hair looked at Deylor face to face.

Her hand pointed out.


A huge roar of energy was released.

It faded into air after it had misses its target for 3 meters.

Deylor was a blur before he hit another tree.

He looked at the girl intensly.

The girl rose her finger again


A bright blue energy shield collided with a thin red line.

Deylors red eyes waved behind a tree as his finger lay pointed out.

"Well that's two." Deylor innately thought as he looked back at where the girl had been.

Deylor looked at his glowing amulet as the number hit 4.

Deylor wandered around the forest for around 20 minute he counted before he heard several rustles on the leaves.

Deylor hid behind a bush as he saw a large group of 10 wandering around. Their countries were varied at 7 and Deylors eyes wandered to the boy leading the group. He had faint black hair and the leaves under his feet would scorch.

Deylor release a relieved phew as he stumbled back.

"Thank god they didn'-.

Sounds of whistling broke the forest atmosphere before fireworks exploded in the sky. The boy at the back of the group looked back first just to see a foot coated in red. The foot swiftly swung but it was blocked by a green barrier.

Deylor grunted as his body rotated and his other foot swung at the barrier with more power.

The barrier cracked before his foot bursted with red-energy.


Deylor quickly formed a point in his aura as he lunged towards the barrier-boy. The barrier boy, confident in his barrier could only watch as a bright-blue shield formed around him.

Deylor having wasted too much time on one of the group members saw an onslaught of attacks heading his way. Fireballs, black spears, pink spikes. Deylor quickly formed a barrier that trembled under the force of the attacks.

Deylor got rid of the barrier before he coated his fingers red.

A huge grand cross formed.

The leading boy formed a fire wall.

It halted the grand cross temporarily before it exploded under the pressure.

Deylor quickly appeared behind the group as he took them out one by one.

Deylor went for his fourth group kill before a hand met his throat.

Super-speed. Deylor furrowed his eyebrows.

The hand was soon pierced by a red spike.

A bigger red spike erupted from Deylors aura signaling the end of a bulky competitor.

Deylor looked to his right just to see a flaming lance.

Deylor boosted his body backwards by releasing a burst of energy.

Bad move.

The ground below Deylors suddenly erupted with vines that pushed Deylor down.

Deylor waved his aura around to cut the spikes but they were too numerous.

Deylor gritted his teeth as he used a huge amount of his energy reserves to summon a huge pillar of dense-red energy that exploded the surroundings.

A small bit of blood was sent from Deylors throat.

Deylor looked at the injured competitors before he swiftly blurred around his fists colliding with shields each time.

Shields formed and people disapparated before Deylor rushed towards the downed leader of the group.

Deylor reached for his neck before.


Bright-orange Flames erupted and burnt the already ruined surroundings.

Deylor saw a flaming beast on two legs walk towards him.

Deylor dodged several flame lances before the beast opened his mouth.

Deylor used an aura shield to halt its flames and split their path.

The beast moved its flames even after it had released them.

Deylor blurred towards the beast as they traded blows.

Deylor felt his body bruise as he pierced the flaming beasts now protected skin.

Their impacts shook the surroundings.

Deylor released a grand cross from his coated fingers and the beast responded with a huge ball of flames.

Its bright orange flames tore through the ground.

Deylors aura quickly put down any flames that met his skin.

Deylor felt his dropping energy levels as he ruffled his hair.

He had no choice.

Deylor rushed towards the beast as the beast rushed too.

The beast released a wild claw.

Deylor ducked down before with a burst of energy he grabbed the beasts chest as he blew it 10 meters back. His hand still on the beasts chest Deylors hand erupted with dense red energy that soon became a swirling circle of red around the two. The beast was attacked internally before a bright-blue energy shield formed.

Deylor panted as he lay on the grass. Blood spurted from his mouth.

His amulet had warmed several times during the fight.

Deylor looked at his amulet.


Deylor sighed. He had won, but at what cost? His energy levels would need time to recover and Deylor was confident another round of fireworks would arrive in a few minutes. Deylor was now in quite a catastrophe. His only chance of surviving was finding an ally or forming an alliance. Deylor formed a plan.

Minutes later.

A green haired boy rustled through tall grass before his eyes met a calamity.

A boy with messy black hair sat in the middle of a crater. It was clear several abilities had been used but the boy sat there as if he had just eaten breakfast.

Deylor smiled at the new entree.

"This is just not your lucky day." Deylor clenched his fists as he formed the strongest aura he could.

The boy trembled in fear.

"But I will make a deal with you just this once." Deylor spoke like a gentleman.

"If you team up with me, I shall aid you in your fights." Deylor spoke faster.

"And we can both rise to the TOP of this tournament.. TOGETHER!"

The bait was thrown.

The green haired boy nodded in desperation.

He wasn't going to get beaten up in front of a continent.

The fish was caught.

Deylor smirked as he and his new allie wandered around the forest.