Fallen Realm.4// Invaders

Sounds of beasts screeching horrendously travelled throughout the broken realm as a horde of abominations of black teared through withered trees and lifeless soil. The millions of dust particles through wildly as the horde of beasts came at a lone figure from every angle.

The beasts soon reached his position as they pounced,dived and rose from the ground to feast on their prey. As these deformed creatures covered the figures vision a world of black consumed it.

And time froze.

A mountain of beasts clambered on each other as they bit and pummeled each for flesh.

Wings were torn and arms were pulled.

The deafening screeches that would rupture earbuds desperately released into the realm before their call was answered.

In blood.


Several harmonious spikes of black flames tore through the blackened beasts from the center of the pile. the mountain of beasts became heads on spikes in an instance.

But no blood was shed.

The spikes soon crashed into the ground as they became a hypnotizing whirling vortex of black flames that covered the mountain of agonied beasts.

The vortex spun wildly as its flames roared. The beasts within became a flaming mountain that slowly sunk into the ground like a wailing man in quick sand. Their screeches muffled by black flames and their bodys vanishing within the beauty.

The black flames covered the beasts as the once raging mountain became a small hillock.

The flames collapsed fluidly into the ground before all that was left behind was embers.

And from those embers, walked a man.

A man engulfed in raging flames.

Deylor sighed as he rubbed his beaten body that now resembled a purple mess. Being surrounded by a horde of monsters after a fishing trip was quite the annoyance. Deylors body screamed in pain as he cleansed his wounds with water. As of now, it would be safe to say around 7-9 days had passed in the broken realm. After the disappearance of the realms sun telling days apart was nigh impossible unless you were willing to spend all of your time counting.

The past 7-9 days were quite the shock to Deylor. Deylors fists clenched as he remembered his new target.

7-9 days ago.

Food. Gone.

Sleeping bags. Gone.

Fire wood. Gone.

Equipment. Gone.

The only thing that hadn't been robbed were Deylors clothes and a note left by his ex-companion.


Borrowing the stuff for a while.

Youths like you need to use their potential to the fullest and can't have old men like me dragging them down!

Reach for the stars but if you fail reach for a star.

I believe you can survive.

Best regards, Your Demon-Realm Companion.

Well it was pretty obvious that his belief in Deylors survival was high considering every single thing even related to survival had been nabbed.

Deylor had almost pulled all is muscles as he charged around the demon realm in search of the traitor.

But, the search failed. And now Deylor lay with his head on a rock by a spring of water.

Deylor smiled maniacally as he pulled his hand into a circle and envisioned his once companions face inside it.

Deylor swiftly closed his hand.



A deafening shockwave spread through the demon realm.

Deylor had not awakened any ability but had instead seen his ears bleeding and ringing.

A small but visible gap in the sky was engulfed in a trail of smoke and blazing red flames.

A blazing wreck of a jet-black ship had formed a small crater from where it had landed.

The shockwave produced just from the landing had alerted even the far-away Deylor.

Deylor gritted his teeth as he swiped the blood off the ears with his watered fingers.

Deylor got up and began dashing towards the new arrival with anticipation.

"About time something exciting happened here.."

Smoke and flickers covered Deylors figure as he stood in front of the crash.

A hand rose up, a black tinted green hand with scales and 12 fingers moving wildly.

Half a corpse crawled through the flames as it pointed.

"You... did this."

Deylor stood in shock.


Deylor looked at himself.

The alien soon burned before a line of blue rose to the sky.

(They speaking alien language.)

"Shrek Sho, Tai Ikai Frek Tanai Gorai Aiterino."

(Captain, our most recent vessel has lost all signs of life and systems are down."

"Grahneheiber, gu dao teiser where?

(Any knowledge of the perpetrator and their location.)

"Til Tinko Tey Tatronium Petrol."

(There was a last second transmission.)

"Beiko Intoladarate."

(Show me the transmission.)

Static noises.

Sounds of crackles and yet silence could be heard as the transmission began. What seemed to be the last survivor of the crash raised its hand and pointed. It spoke in what seemed to be the common language of the new realm they had discovered and it had pointed to a figure in the flames.

The figure wore black silky rags and had messy black hair that was slightly overgrown. The figure had a pale body however some of it was covered in black strands. The figure also possessed two sets of eyes, ears,hands,legs,arms and etc. After reading the full report of the body the captain turned his chair around.

His 24 fingers wriggled in silence as his R shaped head looked down to his subordinate.

(Imagine a solid semi circle that is more long than high and has lots of tentacles coming from halfway down.)

His eyes were bloodlusted as his subordinate felt his shoulders almost snap from the pressure.

"Trier Kneiverman."