After the next few lessons, lunch soon followed. The class all remained seated, their eyes either ogling me or taking peeks at me indirectly, awaiting my move. I casually shift back along with my chair and stand up first among my peers, their worries dissipating as I head in the opposite direction of the majority of them.

Seems my little show this morning has left them shaken. They're all distinctively more on edge compared to the start of the day. It will take time for them to adjust to me and begin trusting me.

To everyone's surprise, but mostly to the quiet student sitting in the corner of the room by the door, I stop at his desk looming over his back my gaze piercing his closed-off body which turned further away from me and to the cold firm wall. He was short and had russet-coloured hair that dangled over his navy eyes and glasses that sat on his nose. His figure was frail and he looked overly skinny. The atmosphere around him screamed of anxiety and submission. He was just how I remembered him, my former best friend that is.

"Junpei, get up and follow me quickly." I called to him in a fed-up tone, which was further emphasised by the long sigh that followed my words.

He tried to reply but as usual, his old habit kicked in and he began stuttering profusely. He truly remained unchanged.

I repeated my previous words, this time more dynamically so he would realise no words were required from him. "Junpei, get up and follow me quickly."

Seemingly he understood and stopped his struggle and followed me as I had demanded. We walked through the halls at a leisurely pace, my body slumped and my hands naturally fell inside my pockets, however, Junpei would remain in static movement as if he was an old machine that required oiling as its parts have become too rusty to perform.

"Know of any places where you can eat alone?" In an attempt to break the silence and out of my genuine curiosity, I asked.

"The field outside behind the sports hall. It's quiet and nobody goes over there as they usually hate the distance they have to walk." His reply was almost instant and his stuttering vanished.

Has he adjusted to me? No, it's rather he understands that if he stutters more he'll be treated harsher. Experience perhaps has solidified this idea inside of him.

We had soon after walked out of the school and made our way to the back and past the vast sports hall before arriving at the field. A few blooming sakura cherries sat in a row displayed with fragrance and grace attached. We slowly sat down, our backs resting on the thick bark that felt rough even through the layers of material on my skin.

I pulled out my neatly packed bento made by Sato out of my bag and rested it on my lap.

"Thank you for the meal." I spoke, clasping my hands together and closing my eyes.

Junpei next to me fidgeted nervously unable to speak out as his gaze wandered aimlessly. "W-why did you bring me here?" He stuttered.

I leisurely looked over to him, my eyes half closed as the sun rested too bright in the sky. "You know you were my best friend since we were kids. Throughout most of our childhood, we had been such good friends. Until the day when all crumbled around me, I thought everyone was my friend, but in reality, I had been used for my money and for the gain they could capitalise off of me. Then I became a victim of assault and many other things and was finally left isolated. Even you left me Junpei."

Junpei tries to intervene in my monologue and spout his excuses but I simply ignored his attempt and continued. "To be honest, I began doubting everything and everyone around me. I was constantly fretful that all who spoke to me wore a tightly fitted facade that hid their true intentions. Eventually, I accepted the fact that it was my own incompetence and foolishness that led to me being exploited and left ruined by the clowns who wore an extra layer of makeup. I didn't and don't blame you or anyone else for leaving me stranded, you all just chose to survive by clawing on the cliff that rapidly crumbled. You simply reached out for the hand in front...whilst I remained ignorant."

Like I had said to Junpei, I had come to terms with my fault in this ordeal. Though I can't directly say all my words held their meaning. Some did and some didn't and others reinforced an idea but still strayed to another topic. I technically hadn't lied, I had just arranged my words that would be suitable for my use.

Junpei's eyes turn red and his nose sniffles. "I'm sorry. I really am." Tears slowly fell from his tear ducts and flowed down his cheek. But surely he didn't think I would think anything of a few shed tears. "I-I had no choice. They threatened my mother. You know she's the only support that I and my sister can rely on. After our father left we struggled, but she persevered for us...working multiple jobs at once and spending all her time for us, raising us and being a dependable and caring mother so she could fill the void for the father that walked out of our life. They threatened me saying that they'll destroy her completely and ruin anything my mother could ever hope to do. All I had to do was stop talking to you and ignore you and they wouldn't lay a hand on her!! It's not my fault you couldn't help yourself! I had to help my family first!!!" His screams echoed the open field and snot ran vigorously from his nose. Tears flooded now and his hands began hitting the dirt now turning red from blood.

"I hated myself for doing what I did...But I had to, to protect me, my sister and my mother's life!!!"

I remained silent waiting for him to finish. My face remained unchanged, not flinching once and my eyes garnered a more sleepier look.

"It's okay, I understand," I replied. "But that doesn't change the fact that you did what you did and you might forget one day...but I never will." My stare haunted his eyes blankly peering at what I deemed as a worthless individual.

"I'll accept any punishment you give me."

"You mean it?"

"Of course." His voice was shrewd in conviction.

I took my last bite of the food I had packed and set the empty container aside, standing up. I walk to Junpei and offered him my hand, smiling gently. He shyly extends his hand and smiles.

"If you could, slowly pull me up." He requested as he lifted his glasses.

"I don't know if I can do that." I whispered and all the noise he could muster was a confused huh sound. I briskly pull him up and before he readies his balance I deliver a swift right hook to his ribs and Junpei immediately goes down and winces in pain.

"W-w-why?" He mumbles in pain, and I sneer at him and repeat his previous words. "I'll accept any punishment you give me."

Junpei's eye's constricted and he desperately gasps for air as I pick him up by his collar and hang him to one of the branches of the tree. I then began my furious barrage, on onslaught you could have called it as I beat him to unconsciousness like a punching bag.

His body had taken on a new colour of black and blue but I left his face untouched. I wanted to hide the damage I inflicted upon him.

After about half an hour, he regained consciousness and jumped at the sight of me.

"Don't panic, I took my revenge on you. Now I need you to assist me in gaining information about every bully at the school and everyone linked with the torment I suffered those years."