*Gasp* *Gasp*

"What the h- *cough*"

"No matter how much I run , he seems to be everywhere!..lord save me!!!!"  cried a man who believed in anything but the Lord.

Dressed in all black , in the middle of the night , running , for the sake of his poor life .

The sky is red and so is the glorious moon , the thief stopped in his tracks as he reached a dead end only to see a shadow of cloaked man all over the wall infront of him...but where the hell was he!?

*ZIIIIIP* flew something forward , slightly touching his face

"A b..bullet...but from where .."

The thief touched his face and his fingers, stained with blood , began to tremble.

The bullet was not done yet.

It hit the floor with the momentum that took it to the sky. Lord gravity pulled it back towards the ground , but the man was in the way.

Nature paid no mind and it went right through his head , towards its destination.

The deed was done , the man in black was now silently lying on the ground in a red pond , gone to the very Lord he was crying for help.

In all this , a man atop a faraway building  , tucked in a ruby pistol into his cloak and disappeared .