CHAPTER 14 : Volunteers


"Earth to Josh!!!" Bow waved his hand infront of Josh's dazed face as they sat in the auditorium, to which they were called to for an urgent announcement .

Josh snapped back , Bow took a breath of relief .

"You were making such a serious face that I kind of got worried. " said Bow as she leaned back on her chair. Josh looked in Bow's direction to see Aleena staring at the stage. She glanced at Josh who lowered his gaze immediately , turned around and looked at the stage himself aswell.

Jun, Batuhan and Samuel also sat right next to the other 3.

There was a sharp buzzer sound and the hall fell silent.

"My Dear Students..." said Mr Kurookami as he stood on the stage , his arms behind his back , a small mike attached to his collar.

"I will keep this short and blunt." he continued,

" As you are already aware that many of our students are being attacked at every night patrol and the actual culprit is yet to be found ..."

"The Yosei and the BlackWings are the only ones capable of this sir!!!" said a random voice from the crowd of students below.

"We are not the kind to thoughtlessly raise our weapons to a rumor. Donot leave your minds at the mercy of hatred."

Mr. Kurookami said in a stern tone.

"You think he might be referring to the origins of the Red Nights?" Samuel whispered to Batuhan.

"Hmmmm he wasnt very specific to be honest. " Batuhan said under his breath.

"What I have gathered all of you here for is to announce of now, ...we have no teams present from the final year that will be able to compete in the tournament this year. Almost all of them are too badly injured. "

The hall broke up into whispers,

"Isnt this bad?"

"Hey...what will we do if all our seniors are taken out?"

" Have we lost already"

Jun listened to all of the voices and then turned his attention towards the principle.

"Silence children!" he banged his foot on the stage and again , the hall fell silent.

"I donot wish to force any of you to enter something that is well beyond your level.

Hence, I am here to look for volunteers. Are there any Killers in this academy , who have the courage and skill to step forward ?!" Mr. Kuro spread his arms , as if to welcome any student who steps up.

But there was none.

For a few minutes , not a single hand was raised.

Mr.Kurookami sighed and looked straight towards Jun . Their eyes met. Mr Kuro gave him a sarcastic look .His gaze was challenging him. Jun smiled, and accepted the challenge.

Jun raised his hand.

"What! You have been here for only a week are you crazy!?" Batuhan said , shocked . The rest of the gang had similar confused expressions.

"I volunteer !" he shouted. His voice echoed around the hall.

Mr. Kuro looked at him and then at the hall again.

"While I appreciate your enthusiasm Jun- you require a minimum of 5 peo-"

"HE VOLUNTEERS ASWELL!!" shouted Jun as he grabbed Batuhan's hand and raised it up high. Batuhan failed to respond on time.

"Wh..what?" is all he could come up with.

Samuel thought to himself and suddenly raised his hand next.

"I volunteer aswell!!! This is too intriguing to miss!" he said happily.

"I aswell!!!" the fourth one was Aleena.Her look determined. Her hand shaking.

Josh looked at her and sighed to himself.

"I volunteer aswell sir!!!" said Josh as he stood up and raised his hand.

As Bow tried to hide herself in her knees , she felt 5 piercing gazes on her back. She turned around to face the five faces looking at her with red eyes.

"GOD..FINE!!! I VOLUNTEER ASWELL WITH THESE LUNATICS!" she shouted on top of her lungs to hide the shakiness of her voice.

"I too, Volunteer!" said a voice that Batuhan and Samuel recognized. They turned around to see the same boy , they met in the library, standing up with one of his hands raised and the other one hiding behind his back.

"WONDERFUL!" Mr. Kuro applauded for them.

"Meet me in my office afterwards...oh and also...all those who didnt volunteer.... " he had a grim face and the whole hall gulped ..."will know the true hell that exists in The Killer Academy." he smiled and left .

"We are so gonna regret this..." Bow said shaking her head.
