CHAPTER 18 : Graham

Aleena took a step back and then threw her firelit baton flying around the the Glass Couple and created a barrier of fire trapping them inside. The baton returned to her hand.

For a minute there was no movement , then all of a sudden the man flew out of the fire , headed directly towards Aleena.

"HEADS DOWN!!" Aleena lowered her head as Josh appeared above her, his hand on her back for support , kicking back the attacker with weight that of a mountain. However, even with such a heavy blow the man landed on his feet.

This time the female made the move , she held two long swords and threw them towards Samuel.


Samuel countered one of them with his katana but the other one flung around to pierce him in the back-

"I got you!!" said Batuhan as he stepped in between and countered the sword with his own , his dagger transformed itself into a sword.

"HAAAA!!!" Samuel and Batuhan managed to force the swords back to the owner's hand.

The Glass Couple stood back to back surrounded by the rest in a circle. The fire set by Aleena still burning but not leaving its bounds.

"Jun!" Zakiyye shouted as he ran towards Jun and sent a message across with his eyes. Jun nodded.

"Try and dodge this!" Bow posed her arms like an archer aiming a bow at the sky ,only there was no bow, instead a red arrow appeared in air and as she let go of a transparent bowstring, it flew to the sky.A mere second later ,a barage of red arrows fell ,from the sky, towards the couple.

The female held up and clapped her hands, sending out a shockwave that destroyed all of the arrows.

"Jun now!" Zakiyye shouted as he stood behind Jun, his hands on his shoulders. Jun shot with his eyes closed ,as directed by Zakiyye. The bullet went between the couple and hit a tree right infront.

The Crimson Couple disappeared as soon as the tree got struck.

Everyone lowered their weapons.

The tree suddenly turned into red transparent glass that broke into pieces and fell apart.

A person stepped out of the broken tree.

A well built man with red short hair , one eye covered by a digital eye piece , a red crystal at its centre. He wore a leather red and white jacket, white shirt and black leather jeans. A kind face , he came out smiling , satisfied.

"Professor Graham , you really could have done better." Zakkiyye said as he readjusted his belt.

"I was aware you were in the team but it never seemed like you paid attention in my class." Mr. Graham shrugged his shoulders and shook his head."Had I known , I definitely would have been harsher."

"No thanks. You were harsh enough."snapped Batuhan

"Haha is that so?" Mr Graham laughed as he suddenly appeared behind Batuhan and put his arm around his shoulder, causing him to squeal.

"Professor Graham, its an honor to meet you in person." said Aleena.

"Same here" he smiled.

"Though I am sure , but just to confirm I am not dreaming, Professor Graham..will you be our mentor for the tournament?" Josh asked.

"Right on Josh boy" he said raising a victory sign with his hand.

"I am so glad I volunteered." said Samuel as he shook professor Graham's hand vigorously.."I am a huge fan sir!"

"Fans who didnt even know about the infamous Glass Couple."Zakkiyye said sarcastically.

"If you dont want me shaking his hand, just say so , you jealous student."

"WHA!.." Zakiyye got flustered by Samuel's smart comeback.

"Hahahahahaha...I have adorable students." Professor Graham laughed as Bow stood aside with a serious face, noticed by Batuhan.