"Principle Kurookami...." Jun said , " To be honest...I wouldn't be surprised if he were to be involved in this case somehow."

"So as it seems we have two places to investigate more thoroughly..the hospital and Principle Kuro's office." Samuel said with a serious face.

"Leave the investigation of prinicpal's office to me and Samuel. Aleena and Jun , we'd like your help aswell." Said Zakiyye. June and Aleena nodded.

"Guess we get the hospital then Josh,Bow." said Batuhan throwing his arm around Josh.Bow nodded.

"We will meet up here again a week later, however we must all stay in contact. We will rendezvous every morning at 6....and keep a lookout for each other. " Samuel said.

Everyone nodded.

"We are now involved in something that may have its roots dug in deeper than we thought . Donot trust anyone outside of this circle....and....-" Zakiyye hesitated with embarassment , his cheeks slightly red , "Stay safe. We"

his cheeks were full red.

The room went silent one saying a word.

"W...What!?" Zakkiyye shouted out , flustered.

"You are so adorable!!!!!" Bow cried out with teary eyes.

Everyone was in tears .

"I feel so loved!" Batuhan said wiping his eyes.

"I will take care of myself!!! Zakiyye!" Josh cried out with tears.

Jun covered his face with his hand in an emotional manner.

"You really have grown havent you my boy." Samuel had his face dug in his hands, his shoulders shaking, crying.

"Zakiyye..." Aleena also joined in the tease, holding a handkerchief.

" .....peo..-"Zakiyye was completely flustered.

"pfft." Batuhan finally let go of the act.


The whole gang laughed out with Zakiyye burying his face in his hand, his ears red.

"You people are terrible..." he said , looking at them.

"Thankyou Zakiyye . Please be safe aswell and remember, we have got your back." Aleena said with a confident look that took Zak by surprise. He let his face out of his hand and smiled a soft smile.

"I will." he said .

"Okay gang ! bring it in!" Samuel said.

They all brought in their hands together atop each other's.

"Lets do this!" Samuel shouted.




"Guess you weren't lying when you said you would enter the tournament with me...but...I didnot think ...that there would be" said Zahhak as he looked at Noir and the four BlackWing students standing behind him.

"Zahhak , you know you can't enter the tournament without atleast six people...and you would rather fight alongside people you know and can trust right?"

"You are right but..." Zahhak was interrupted.

"You seem to have alot of doubts..." said a girl with red wavy hair,red fiery eyes , a burn scar on her neck covered in BlackWing Academy robes , same as Noir and the rest of them. She stepped forward ," The name is Aag and I am here to find out where my brother went. He was one of those attacked and lost. If you can trust nothing , trust that I loved my brother and will stop at nothing to find him. Naturally , I will help anyone on the same path as my brother Stone would."

"Stone was an inspiring senior , my name is Zahhak , I am sorry but I never doubted your resolve Aag . Anyone Noir trusts.." Zahhak looked at Noir who shook his head in affirmation , " I trust." Zahhak looked at Aag.

"Good.." Aag replied with a soft smile.

"Wonderful! Let me introduce you to the rest. This here know you cant keep hiding behind me like a small kitten." Noir said as he took hold of the little boy's hand trying to hide behind him."Here now ..say hi to Zahhak." The little boy, half the size of Zahhak slowly stepped forward towards him and stopped . He then turned his face upwards and Zahhak was taken aback by his beautiful silver eyes that shone like the moon and his silver hair that glowed in the Academy's dark hall.

"N..nice to meet you." Zahhak forced a smile not to embarass the kid followed by a glare towards Noir who had a sheepish smile, his soundless lips making the words saying "prodigy."

"Are we quite done here? " said a figure as he stepped out of the shadow. Black short hair , dreamcatcher earrings and a tattoo on his face , his eyes black and sharp , looking at Zahhak who was staring right back .

"Woah totally forgot about you.. sorry Somnium " Noir said , hardly affected by the tension in the air.

"I will make people forget about you ." Somnium threw back.

"And thats why people dont like you very much..." Noir replied with a disappointed look.

"WHA.." Somnium froze and then sat down sulking in a corner with his back towards Zahhak and Noir both looking at him with confounded expressions.

" Well now that you have met Somnium , the only one left is Aranea." Noir turned around but she was nowhere to be found.

"You take too long , also ..I am over here." Noir turned his head to the source and saw a girl standing behind Zahhak , her hand, holding a closed fan againt Zahhak's neck . "You are too unaware of your surroundings , it would do you well to be a bit more ready for danger ." she said as she retreated her hand into her robes. Her eyes were sharp, with her maroon hair tied up in a loose bun. Her robes , slightly different from the rest , spider webs tattoed beneath her eyes. Spider earring hanging down her left ear.

"Well...what do you think!?" Noir asked Zahhak , tapping his shoulder.

"I have forgotten how to think.." Zahhak said as he stared at his new team.

"I will take that." Noir let out a chuckle.