CHAPTER 25 : Catch fear

" This could be so much easier with them not putting their noses in where they dont belong...." mumbled the doctor as she entered the patient's room .

"So, how are you doing up there?" said the doctor as she looked at the boy hanging off the ceiling fan tied in a rope. No reply.

"Unconcious huh.... these filthy creatures. No wonder they cant live without eating off someone weak.." She looked at the student with disgust.

"Hmm..I will have to get rid of this one...he seems a bit problematic...master's plan is only in its initial stages...cant have it ruined by uncooperative low-life thieves."

She pulled out a small knife and put it over the hanging student's neck but as she was about to slice it through she felt a thrust on her right, the impact making her fly into the wall. She immediately lost conciousness.

"Heesh.. woman you were really about to kill him..." said Josh as he held the boy's body over his shoulder and looked at the doctor lying on the floor.

'Heh" The boy in his arms let out a small chuckle but it was too late as the rope wrapped itself around Josh. Josh struggled but only fell as the rope nearly choked him.

" not how you treat a lady ...did you really just gut-punch a defenseless woman." said the doctor as she stood up rubbing her rib.

"Michelle are you hurt?" asked the boy, now loose of his bounds. The moon shining on his glowing face , a rose tattoo etched on the left side of his face. Silver blue eyes with white hair. His whole existence enveloped in power.

" How can I be alright Noel...this mad man punched me right in the lungs...."she said looking annoyed and in pain.

" Time to go then." Noel

said , entirely ignoring her cries.

"You are..clearly not as gentle as you act out to be ."

"I cannot disagree."

"You really cannot."

With that a pillar of silver light enveloped them and they disappeared , taking Josh along.


"Josh...." Bow mumbled to herself as she and Batuhan waited in hiding of the hospital bushes.

"He is taking too long...and I am having a very bad feeling..." she said as she stared at the building . Suddenly a room lit up with a flash of light that disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared , "Josh!!!" Bow cried out and crashed through the window as ghe climbed up the wall outside. Batuhan followed in , but they saw nothing.

"What was that...." Batuhan said as he and Bow searched around. But the room was clear with no signs of struggle or a fight of any sort.

Footsteps of the incoming hospital staff got louder and clearer as they approached the room they were in . They had no choice but to leave.



"So what was your plan again?" said Zakiyye as Samuel shivered from thinking about how angry Jun and Aleena would be at him.

"Right ... that...dont worry I got this." Sam quickly recovered his cool and started staring at the door. He touched the red gem in the centre , and as it glowed the door opened.

" is that even remotely possible?" Zakiyye said with his mouth hanging open.

"Is it ok if I dont tell you how? Its kind of personal.....I guess not" said Samuel as his plea was immediately rejected by a fierce look from Zakiyye who was starving for answers.

"Principle KuroOkami is my...uncle." Samuel said and Zakiyye mouth which he thought couldnt have opened any wider dropped even lower.

"So he told you how to -" Zakkiye was cut off by Samuel

"Uh no...he would never ." Samuel said , shaking his head in a way that showed he had tried finding out ...many times

"Then who.."

"My mom.." he chuckled

"But how did your mom know the -"

"She is an engineer...a really smart one and graduate of this academy , she designed this system and put in her recognition . Which she...possibly forgot to remove."

"So the door reacted to your...genetics?"


"But how did you find out you could open this ."

"When I was a little kid , my mom brought me to this office, I touched the opened so voila!"

"Ok...but then why didnt your mom remove the recognition system."

"I am not sure...she probably couldn't see that 14 years into the future her son will be breaking into her brother's office...."


"And even if she could she wouldn't do it because she would find it very amusing."

"Nevermind...your family is as confusing as you are."

"Wait till you find out who my mom is...."

"What was that?" Zakiyye had only heard a faint muttering.

"A story for another time." Samuel said with his usual wide smile.

"Well...I can only ingest so much ..' Zakiyye said as he stepped into the room.

The dark room was lit up by the moonlight that shone through the glass window on the back walk. It lit it up well enough for them to not need torches.

"Now that we are here...what do we do?" Samuel said as he sat on the principal's chair and rotated.

"You really ought to get off that .." said Zakiyye as he searched through the drawers in the principal's main desk ,right next to Samuel.

"I am sure uncle Kuro will forgive me if he finds out...I doubt he didn't expect this" Samuel said as he got off the chair and looked around for a clue, or a hint.

"We need to look for the pages that got ripped off Bow's father research."

Zakiyye flipped through a file he found in the drawer but found nothing of importance.

"You this room , there is a mechanism that allows him to change rooms instantly...and before you ask, I know that because he recently used that while interrogat-I mean welcoming Batuhan and Jun." Samuel sat down on the floor and started touching the wooden planks.

" A hidden passage?'

"With the speed he shows up....a hidden elevator more likely."

Zakiyye found another file in the drawer. He opened it to find out the details of all the students who got he flipped through the pages ,he stopped.

"Uwaah..." Samuel headed over to Zakiyye "It would be great help if we could take this has every single detail....w..wait..who is that...Alee-" Zakiyye immediately closed up the file.

"Hey! I was reading -"

"We dont have time....I will just copy this ." Zakiyye,s eyes glowed blood red and so did the book he carried in his belt.

"Copy it..ho-"

"Done." Zakiyye's eyes returned to their usual colour.

"Wow....." Samuel exclaimed , "What exactly-"

"Were you on your way to the infirmary or..did you intend to get there via an indirect route .."

"AAAAA!!" both Zakiyye and Samuel jumped as they heard a familiar voice standing close to their ears.

"DR JACKAL!" Samuel cried as he saw the doctor's sly face shining in the red moonlight making him look even more cruel than usual.

"Correct." Dr.Jackal said while mainting his deadly smile.

"We..we were just..." Samuel tried to utter a sentence but his dry throat wouldn't let him.

"Leaving?" Dr.Jackal helped him finish.

With that his eyes glowed red with fire and a sudden gush of wind flew Zakiyye and Samuel out of the door into the hall. The door slammed shut.

Samuel and Zakiyye stared at the door for a while until one of them finally spoke.

"That....was probably our last time in there." Samuel said .

"Seriously is that man ever NOT in the academy?" Zakiyye replied as they both went silent again,staring at the door.
