CHAPTER 27: Deal




"Zakiyye open up!!"

Zakiyye opened up his eyes , rather slowly , as it was much too early for him to wake up .

He rubbed his eyes and looked outside and stepped out of bed, in his black turtleneck vest and trousers,

"Its not even dawn could have..." he said as he opened the door but stopped as he saw Samuel flustered. His calm demeanour always used to be a source of awe for Zakkiyye but he had never seen this look on Samuel's face , a look of pure fear and anxiety.

"What happened?" Zakkiyye asked with a grim look , knowing he was not about to receive a positive answer.

"Josh has disappeared and Aleena and Jun are in detention under suspicion of being in contact with the offenders , the BlackWings , the ones who have been attacking our students."

"Batuhan and Bow?" Zakkiye asked as he rushed to prepare to leave.

"They are already at the principal's door, we have to go aswell!"

As he was preparing to leave , Zakiyye looked at his book lying on the table and placed his hand on it with a thoughtful look.


"Lets go." He said to Samuel as he grabbed his book.



"Has he opened the door yet?!" asked Samuel as he and Zakiyye came rushing towards Bow and Batuhan.

Both of them standing outside the principal's office , turned around to face them.

"WOOOOAAHHH!" cried Samuel as he saw the tired and grim looks of Bow and Batuhan.

"Are you guys...okay?" even Zakiyye , who was usually unbothered by whatever happened to them , had a frown on his forehead.

"Josh has been taken by Yoseis," Bow said.

"The Yoseis?" Zakiyye said , "Do you have proof?"

"My only proof are my eyes and what they saw." she replied in a slow voice.

Batuhan placed his hand on her shoulder so as to comfort her .

"That is where we are stuck...the proof part." Batuhan explained.

"Why hasn't he opened the door yet though." Samuel asked Batuhan,

"Apparently , someone really important is in there, he might not let us in for -" but before he could finish the door began to open slowly and they all stood in line.

"Please , come in...I am sorry for the wait..."said Principle Kurookami .

However , he was not alone.

On the side of his desk , stood two students in Blackwing robes. A boy with a dragon tattoo on his face and another with eyes resembling those of Aleena's . Noir and Zahhak.

But neither of them could be recognized by the ones entering , except for the eyes that grabbed the notice of Samuel and Bow.

But there were more , a student from Killer Academy , standing infront of the principal's desk looking behind over their shoulders, watching as the four of them approached.

A boy with dark blue short hair with glasses covering his sunflower colored eyes.

"Before you ask any questions, Ethan here, seems to have found a very convincing piece or should I say..." the principal looked at the two BlackWing students, " pieces of evidence that Aleena and Jun have been in contact with these young men and covered for them as they tried to escape the academy grounds-"

"Heh..." the principal stopped as Noir let out a chuckle.

"The academy grounds? You grabbed us from our territory mon ami." Noir looked at Ethan fixed his glasses in a cliche manner.

"The location doesnot matter , as long as this parchment exists" Ethan said as he pointed towards the piece of paper placed on the prinicpal's desk." It confirms the fact that you DID infact entered the grounds , which in itself, is a major offense."

"Not our fault you are so bad at taking care of your own territory." Zahhak chipped in .

"Pfft.." Noir let out a small sarcastic laugh.

"You dare-"

"Now now.." the principal chimed in , "its not like your words hold no weight, but my boys , they are hardly helping your situation ."

"What is this parchment?" Zakiyye finally spoke up as the rest were much too confused.

"This parchment is what Aleena had on her when she was taken out by Ethan." Zahhak's eyes turned green but quickly returned to normal as he was nudged by Noir.

"Not now baby brother." he whispered to an angry Zayne.

"And ..what does it say?" Sam asked.

"This can only be read by a BlackWing...apparently." principal Kuro said with a sigh.

"Why would she have anything that she can't read...maybe they just set her up." Batuhan looked at Zahhak who smiled back in return , confusing him further.

"Well..I may have an idea about that one.." Principal Kuro said as he looked at the piece of paper. "This can be deciphered by our language professors here at the academy, so that is not going to be a problem."

"But then , none of this proves Jun and Aleena have anything to do with this." Sam said.

"Well another student has reported sighting them talking to two hooded figures in the middle of the night outside the grounds and saw them taking the do the math my boy." Principal Kuro leaned back on his chair.

"We were only trying to cooperate with the Killer Academy students as we too have suffered at the hands of these attacks." Noir pleaded to the principal.

"Be quiet!" Ethan shouted.

"Ethan.",Principal Kuro said with a dominant tone that quickly stopped Ethan from attacking Noir.

"The Yosei academy is our prime suspect...they have done this before sir, they can do this again. We were only trying to share information so that we may both benefit." Zahhak said.

"The Yoseis....sir...I saw the Gleam coming from the hospital window....they are the ones who took Josh." Bow finally recovered from her exhaustion as she heard a validation to her suspicions.

"So you are saying that EVEN THE YOSEI can step into our territory.....there wont be any summer vacations ..that's for sure." Kuro said with disappointment evident on his face..

"In any case....sir...I must plead you to remove Aleena and Jun from detention atleast, we still have to take part in the tournament." Zakiyye said.

"Well...I am afraid....we will have to step down from the tournament." Principal Kuro said with a grim look.

"Step down...." Zakiyye said as if he couldnot believe his ears.

"Frankly I am disappointed , perhaps I was not a good principal , to think the other academies can just waltz in ,we might aswell just step out of the tournament and become eternal servants." he said as he cried , tears in his eyes....he was obviously acting.

The whole room went silent with everyone feeling too awkward to say anything at all. Zahhak and Noir dumbfounded.

Finally the silence broke.

"One week." Zakiyye said.

Principal Kuro looked at him with a glare in his red shining eyes.

"Three days." he said with a devilish smile.

"Deal....we will clear out this academy with all those who infest it and bring back Josh ...from whoever took him" He said as he looked at Zahhak who stared back with sharp eyes.

"For three days....we only request for you to release Aleena and Jun from detainment and for these BlackWing students to be under our surveillance and patrol with us. We will not allow them to leave our grounds . For three days, we had like to be evicted of all charges,including these two" Zakkiye said as Noir looked at him with a smile showing how impressive he considered Zak to be.

"And should you fail?" principal said.

"We leave the academy for good, Aleena and Jun get punished , those two get executed." he said.

"Hoho....I accept" Principal Kuro laughed as the faces of everyone around Zak changed into pure horror.

"You accept!?" Noir and Zahhak said in unison.

Noir's previous smile had completely disappeared and Zahhak was in a state of shock.

Samuel , Batuhan and Bow who were much too used to Zak by now looked at each other with "as expected" looks.

"Are you sure..YOU are not the one attacking everyone?" Noir said.

The only one who wasn't laughing but instead was angrier than ever, was Ethan.


EVENING-Killer academy Boys Dorms.

"I cant believe that idiot didn't manage to get them all expelled..instead they are all evicted." said a boy , sitting on his bed , talking to a speck of light floating infront of him,"After all the trouble I had to go through getting those two BlackWings, they put up a serious fight, I almost used my gleam"

His hair white ,his eyes silver.

"Its just for three days Noel." said a voice coming in from the light. "Besides you made sure to delete their memories.....the killer students.. they wont be of much help. Before you know it , they will be out of the tournament...what shame would be brought upon them."

"I can't wait to see that..." Noel smiled at the thought of it.

"See? Donot be so will hurt your beautiful face."

"You really are the best leader , Laila....what do you have in plan for the boy we brought in?"

"Hmmm...well he is certainly uncooperative....we got him but I am not sure what do with him...he doesn't seem to have any important information either. Pretty useless of a guy."

"So useless that you had rather he didn't exist...I know how much you hate useless people.."

"Yeah...I 'd rather they didn't exist...."

"Hmph" Noel smiled as the day began to sink into the night.
