CHAPTER 54 : Collision


Noel and Iris continued to walk through a barren land with white and grey stones . No sign of any sort of life , neither plants , nor humans.

"What you told me in that rainbow much of that are you sure of ..." Noel asked as he climbed over a rock.

" A hundred percent...'

"So what you are saying is that Eisen is alive and will devour all of Killers..."

" Yes..... but the reason he handed his powers to the human boy..... I am unsure....and for that we are going to find the one person who knows the truth.."

"I have alot of will he devour....wait.....the crystal of control...." Noel mumbled to himself and slowed him in his tracks , Iris heard him and nodded.

"Precisely....which means there is no doubt that Eisen is possessing one of the participants in the tournament....and since Eisen was a has to be one of his own teammates.....Malak is a capable boy , he will certainly find him in time."

Noel stopped and made a dreadful face full of fear and guilt. Iris turned around and immediately realised what he had done.


"Wai..wait I can fix this...." Noel said.

"...we are miles away...they are on an island separated from us by a huge body of water." Iris said , shaking her head in disappointment.

"Its time to make these rats of some use..." Noel muttered as he looked towards a boulder , where their perpetrators were hiding.

A wave of fear overflowed inside of the two perpetrators , but as they turned to run , they found their paths blocked by Iris.

"I really didnot want to do this right now kids, but we have got no choice.." she said with a smile .


They tied the two boys by a rope , both unconscious.

Noel put his hand over a boy , who seemed to be a BlackWing , and is own eyes glowed gold. The boy's eyes also began glowing golden . Noel kneeled in front of him and whispered in his ears as he held the back of his head in his hands.

" Act as my vessel , and find Malak." he said.

As he stepped back , Black wings of a griffin appeared behind the boy as he took to the skies.

"Now for the other one.... " Iris said

" Give me a break...its not easy controlling minds..." Noel said . tiredly.

"That one is on your shoulders....come on , we need information about the one possessing them...."

"-We...are not possessed..." the boy , a Yosei , suddenly looked at them with golden glaring eyes.

"Miss Iris ! stand back !!" Noel pushed her out of the way of impending danger , "AAAAAAGH!!!" he cried as he fell on the ground , a flashes of images went through his mind as he found himself in an empty white room with water underneath his feet.

"Take my hand ..." A voice echoed in the air , " And I will give you power....." but before anyone showed up , Noel woke up.

He sat up , holding his head.

"Ugh..." he muttered as Iris patted his back .

"You alright kiddo?" she said . " I guess knocking him out did the charm.."

Noel looked at the fallen body of the boy who had attacked him.

" Miss Iris.... are you sure ... the only one we are fighting is Eisen...?"

" What do you mean..." Iris asked , confused.

" These people are wilfully following someone because he grants them power ...meaning he feeds on their innate desire to obtain greater power... "

"That isn't very wilful....."

"It is a desire ... a darkness in the heart...if it were anyone else other than me , without any barricade on their minds...he would have got to me like the rest."

"You are saying...that there is someone other than Eisen....we have to be aware of.... well , it is to be expected , since Eisen couldn't have done that all on his own....that just means we have to hurry and find him."

"Who exactly is it that you are looking for ? How do you know he knows the truth? " Noel stood up as he dusted off his clothes.

"My great grandfather , is a direct descendant of Eisen .....and he hid himself away , blocking his memories so he wouldn't pass them on to us....I need him to remove the barrier...he placed on my mind."

"Why would he do that...."

"Might be to ...protect us.." Iris began walking ," Let's go before this kid wakes up and starts causing us trouble again."

They continued to walk onwards.




"How on earth do they keep finding us!!?" Samuel said as he ran , trying to dodge flashes of fire heading towards him and Josh.

" 'Let's separate and go in a different direction , because it will be fun' ....YOU are the reason we ended up in the situation!!!!!!!!!!!" Josh screamed as he barely dodged a fire ray.

" Well Zakiyye wanted to make us climb over a cliff and I wanted to find an alternative route!! It was never for fun!! Woah!!"

Samuel rolled on the ground and bumped into a tree. Josh rushed by his side and put sat down infront of him , so to protect him from any damage.

"You figured it out yet? " Josh said.

"Yeah I got it....ugh...let's take them down Josh." Samuel said as he gripped his sword and his eyes glowed ruby red.


" I think I have driven them away far enough....." Aag mumbled to herself, " I can't sense their heat anymore.....NO WAIT!!!"

But before she could react , Josh had already tackled her to the ground as her chin grazed against the grass.

" Sorry I have to be a little rough miss , but you really didn't try not to kill us...' Josh said .

Samuel kneeled down infront of her.

"Oh its the BlackWing girl , Aag was it?" Samuel asked.

She glared back with green shining eyes.

"Well , we have been raised as gentlemen by our mothers , and we don't want to be too rough , so I will just be cutting off your necklace-"

Immediately , Aag's hair turned into fire but Samuel was just a millisecond faster and the fire fell on the ground and settled on its own as it detached from Aag. Her hair was now the length of her shoulder , parted , exposing her neck and the string of her pendant.

"Bye bye firehea-" but before Samuel could finish he and Josh were surrounded inside by a huge pillar of fire.

Aag felt a hand gripping her collar and pulled her out of the fire.

"Uhh!!"Josh and Samuel, covered their eyes with their arms, the heat getting to their faces.

"We have to get out of this!!!" Samuel cried to Josh as he braced for a slash.


Aag had her eyes covered and was being carried by someone. She felt as if her body had gone numb and couldn't move , nor talk . Stone was carrying her and was also the one causing her symptoms, but she didn't know. In fact it was Stone who had created that pillar of fire to save her.

After a series of long jumps through the trees , he finally stopped and settled her on the ground , hand still on her eyes. As her numbness became milder , she was able to move her hands to hold the hand over her eyes.

"Stone...?" she whispered.

He smiled , moved his hand , caressed her forehead and was gone before Aag could open her eyes.


In the one hour of rest they had taken , the BlackWings woke up to have found an Aag , bruised , disshevelled and lost more than half her hair.

As Aag sat down with guilt infront of Noir and others for having left the group and gone off on her own , a rather similar situation was happening at the Killer's tent , where Samuel and Josh , burnt and bruised , were kneeling down infront of an angry...angry Zakiyye.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS!!!!!????" same words sounded from the captains of the two teams.
