CHAPTER 56 : Divisions

*Island Day:4*

"We must search for the BlackWings and Killers , but this island is huge and we don't have our sensory unit to help us..." Malak said as he stood atop a branch with Dolion on another.

"We ought to divide ourselves besides , even if the sensory units cannot be found , the other team members can be. Black Wings are naturally good with the dark , but Krystallo and Michelle are out and about ...they can be easily found....we all have to be on our toes." Dolion said with a serious look.

" I never took you to be the type to approve of someone else's are mighty strong yourself.." Malak said .

"I may be strong but that does not mean I am not wise.... if victory was in strength only....." Dolion looked at Malak with a gaze that felt as cold as ice , " Then the Yoseis would be the only species left in this land."

"..." Malak was still caught by the fearsome , crystal gaze. Unable to mutter a word.

" I will go to search for the go for the Blackwings....." Dolion said and then immediately left.

Malak stared in his direction , his heart welled up with doubt and confusion.


"Time to divide and cover more ground should we pair up.." Noir said thoughtfully.

Suddenly , Fenrir spoke up , " I will go with Zahhak!" and he clung to Zahhak's arm.

"Huh.." Zahhak who had barely talked to Fenrir was slightly confused about the sudden liking.

"Well....I guess it's decided....everyone...come back together in one piece..." Noir said as he and Aag immediately left.

Zahhak and Fenrir were left alone , neither of them speaking.

"Ummm...." Zahhak stared at Fenrir with questioning eyes.


" So I suppose it's just us brother!" Batuhan said , patting Jun on the back , as hard as he could , that he almost fell off the tree branch.

"Woah!" Jun cried as he barely kept himself from hitting the ground.

"S.soryy.." Batuhan said with a guilty expression.

"Its alright...remember when we messed up our first mission like this? You pushed me off the clavicle still remembers that." Jun said with a sarcastic look.

"It was not on purpose...I promise!" Batuhan said , " But , I think someone else would be very interested in listening to this story!" Batuhan and Jun both dodged an attack that blew up the tree branch they were on into pieces.

*WHISTLES* " Now that wasn't a very polite entrance , considering we already know each other from before." Batuhan said as he held his knife in his hand and Dolion stepped forward from the shadows.

"Someone we can't handle right off the us too quickly...just like Zakiyye warned us...." Batuhan said.

" You can sense him...." Jun said as he gripped his gun tightly.

" You could have at least given us a day or-"

"GET OUT OF MY WAY...." Dolion said with a dark voice , sending shivers down their spines.

"Umm...I would love to but-" Batuhan said , " My big brother won't allow it..he has kind of a heroic mindset." Batuhan's knife split into many and surrounded Dolion in a circle.

Dolion was hardly fazed but what followed did make him flinch as his eyes lost their sight to a flashbang thrown by Jun.

Before Dolion could respond , he felt a kick in his stomach that threw him off ground but instead of landing on ground he found himself falling into a pit.

"Huh.." even Dolion had not suspected this trap , this trap the Killer made specifically for Dolion . As the light cleared , Dolion found himself inside a deep , long , pit , with Batuhan and Jun standing above it , staring down.

"It actually..worked?" Batuhan asked Jun , shocked.

Dolion stared above with calm and perceptive eyes , his small body couldn't possibly take him all the way back up to the light that barely reached the depth he was trapped in and it didn't matter how powerful he was , he had no way of escaping .

As that was a fact , he merely accepted it calmly and sat down inside the pit and began to focus all his energy.

"Its awfully you think he ..died...?" Batuhan said.

"Not possible , he is far too strong , he will be back up but this will buy us time until our fortress is complete...come on." Jun put a hand on Batuhan's shoulder and they nodded at each other , immediately disappearing afterwards.

Dolion's eyes glowed golden as the ground beneath him began to freeze..

" Two days....." he mumbled to himself.



" Its been four days since they have gone..... no signs of anyone disqualified yet." Principal Ookami , stared out his window.

Suddenly the door flung open , and Dr.Jackal came in running. KuroOkami had never seen him so flustered.

"Kuro! we have a problem!" Jackal said , as he came in running.

"Jackal....don't say..."

"It is exactly as you thought...that island....."

"You are gonna say it...'

"That is not the island , where the tournament is normally held..."

"And you said it...." Principal Kuro said with a sigh.

"How are you so relaxed...those children...they might be at the exact island where the main enemy is..."

"The enemy is not there.....the enemy is ..among us..that is why I am so relaxed."


"It is one of the principals.... " Principal Kuro said as the sun set and the night turned red. Principal Kuro's eyes glowed ruby , with an intensity that made Dr. Jackal take a step back.

"The location of the tournament was meddled with in the last minute , the only one capable of something like that is a principal...And I am going to find out which one of them it was....." Principal Kuro turned to face Dr.Jackal , " The one who killed Adonis and Aslihan.."
