CHAPTER 59: Freed Memories



"Ookami , what are you doing?!" Dr.Jackal said as he saw Principal KuroOkami buried in piles of documents.

" I am trying to find a lead..." He said tiredly as he laid back in his chair.

" What happened to waiting for Iris?" Dr. Jackal said , picking up a document.

" Iris might be too late...we haven't heard a word from her...." Principal KuroOkami said as he bumped his head on his table.

"The principals...." Dr Jackal said thoughtfully , " Do you think there might be someone else , who is close to them? Orchestrating this instead of them?"

"To be honest...there is one thing I am sure of....the Yoseis are the only ones crazy enough to go for world domination...their power hardly does them any good ." KuroOkami said , " Their memories and thirst for power , it has to be them....I donot see any reason for the BlackWings to be involved in this."

"That creature...we are sure now that it was a Killer academy student who turned , isn't that right?" Dr. Jackal said , holding a document.

" was a Killer Academy student ...all along...." Kuro said with a grim look.

" You know what this means don't you?"

" That , we are all at danger of becoming just that..." Principal KuroOkami said , " Aslihan's and Adonis's sacrifice gave us time but they were unable to name the enemy before they were silenced....they had them...but the enemy got to them first...even though..we hid them so well...."

"Hid them....hid them? Who else ..knew the location....of the two.." Dr Jackal stuttered at thought.

"No one...except Iris..." Principal Kuro looked up.

" Iris is not the one who betrayed them..." Jackal said , anxiously.

" No she wasn't , I can assure you of that...she was likely followed...." Principal Kuro said , " Do you know why , ever since Adonis's and Aslihan's death , Iris has hardly been the same she used to be."

" I am aware..." Jackal said as he sat down on a chair , " She doesn't stop...she is always out to find something...she has been on a mission ever since their deaths."

" Even though , she was not related to them by blood....she considers their children as her own ...that is how much she cared for the two of them..."

" She was adopted into Adonis's family after her parents were executed for murdering Killer civilians , after losing their minds...she considered him a brother....and to think....she was the one who lead her brother to his demise....that truth tore her apart." Jackal said with a sigh.

" It is still tearing her apart...she still blames herself...for their deaths.."

"Iris..." Dr . Jackal said with soft eyes , eyes he never showed to anyone.


" Grandpa I donot have time for this!" Iris said in a harsh tone.

" Tsk tsk..."

" Will you stop judging me for how I talk to him!?" Aunt Iris snapped at Noel who had been extra sarcastic since their arrival.

" If I open your mind to the memories ! Then the exact same thing that happened to your parents will happen to you! You are not fighting an easy enemy!!" Her Grandfather answered back with a tone more stern than hers.

" My life is not worth more than the thousands of lives that will be lost if I don't do anything....and if I lose control.... There is someone who will make sure to take me down....infact...he is the only one who can..."She said the last part softly with a little pain in her words that did not go unnoticed to Noel.

"Iris.... why are you sacrificing yourself for the people who executed your own parents!?" Grandfather threw down his walking stick , as he clenched his own chest.

" have to let go of your unjust hatred...." Iris stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him , patting his back with one hand and holding the back of his head in another.

" Donot let many more ...go through the exact pain ..that you are going through right now...."

She felt warm tears on her shoulders and didn't move. Then she felt a hand caress the back of her head,

" I are strong ...Iris....but...even you cannot fight this...."

" I know...and I am prepared for the consequences.."

Her grandfather stepped back , and wiped his tears with his arm.

" Very well then.... " He raised his hand and his eyes turned gold .

"Gah!!" Iris felt a sudden kick in her head , that made her fall to her knees.

" Miss Iris!" Noel ran up to her and held her shoulders as she tried to bear the pain.

Her breathing got heavy and she began to sweat profusely , her eyes lit up , shining gold and when it finally stopped , she bad a grim smile on her face.

" I see....I WAS you..after all....Ivy..."

" Ivy...Noel in ...Principal Ivy?"

" Yes.."

" You mean she is the one...b..but she only just joined the can she be in your memories..."

" That is the point Noel...she is IN my memories....and....she is Eisen's older sister...."

" That doesnot make sense... I have too many questions.." Noel said , looking confused and worried.

" I.... I am trying to find the answers ..ugh but...she ...she keeps trying to ...misdirect a temple...?..What's that...ugh!!!!!" Iris staggered back down as she tried to get up.

" Don't look at it!!" Her Grandfather said helplessly , don't look at anything that woman tries to show you!.

" But will I..."

" You already know who it can find the rest of the answers later ! Dont risk going too deep!!" He cut off Iris as he sat by her side.

"" Iris said as she looked at her Grandfather , " Thankyou for listening...Grandpapa..."

"..." Her Grandfather gently caressed her forehead.

" We adults...tried to avert our eyes from everything...but you ...children...had the courage to fight....I nothing..but ashamed..." he said as he held her hand and she pressed it back.
