CHAPTER 69 : Trap



" I am sorry kid...." Dr Jackal said as he stood in a dark cellar , talking to a beast with red glowing eyes behind bars . The beast , however , was hardly aggressive . He was the size of a human. He was weakened , tired and dying.

Dr Jackal sat down on the other side of the bars , and caressed the monster's hair inside. His head was lying close to the bars.

" I am sorry you had to try for so long only to die because we failed to find a cure for this... I am so sorry....." In the dark cellar , alone , Dr . Jackal , had tears running down his face. A man you would not expect to express emotion was suffering under the rally of guilty and sadness. His heart was being torn and as the monster stopped breathing and his body went cold , he opened the bars and held his body in his arms ,closing his eyes and pulling him close to his chest.

" I am sorry I failed to cure you...." he mumbled as his tears wet the beast's cold fur.


* Conference Hall - Killer Academy*

The three principals , accompanied by their academy professors who stood next to them (Principal KuroOkami was accompanied by Graham) , were sitting across a long table , guards from all three academies filling the rest of the room.

" None of our students have returned outside the forest." Principal KuroOkami said . 

" Is that what you have called us out so far for? I cannot believe this Kuro.." Said Principal Victor ( Blackwing)

" No, that is not why..." Principal Kuro waved his hand and Professor Graham , created a hologram , a map of the entire area that they, as species, occupied. 

It was a large island mainly , surrounded by three smaller islands.

" Kuro , what might be the problem , please be clear . " Principal Iris said as she looked over the map . 

" Ivy , Victor , do you see this map as you have seen it to be for years ? Is it the same?"

" It quiet is .." Principal Victor said .

" What do you say Ivy? Is it different?" Principal Kuro asked with sharp eyes.

Ivy stared at the map and then looked at Kuro. Their eyes met and then she lowered them again. 

" Are you sure , this is our map?" Ivy said, pointing towards an island on the west . " That island , seems to have gotten much too closer to our land." 

" .... " Victor , remained silent.

" Exactly.... this is where we held our tournaments , the West Island , but this time upon checking the coordinates again , the distance is off by quite alot. This is not the same island as before. Also , according to the geographers I have sent there along the beach , they say this Island seems to have been underwater for quiet a few years and that it recently resurfaced over the last year or two."

"So you are saying...." Principal Victor said , " We have sent the children to an unknown land....."

" Victor you were the ones to place the crystal there , did you not notice any changes at all ?" Principal Kuro asked in a suspicious tone.

" No , this time the rules were different , Kuro . I received a letter from the elder council..the seal and everything , to hand over the crystal to them and that they would place it. I did as I was commanded. It seems they didn't trust us ..which was quite hurtful I must say." Victor stated calmly.

" The Elder Council....the council we are not supposed to know anything about , nor ever to step into their land . We just look for a seal on the envelope and follow the order stated on it." Principal Kuro said grimly.

" It is our respect for them that we respect our boundaries Kuro. Or do you not think what would happen without them?

Their secrecy is a way to protect them." Ivy reminded Kuro of their significance in maintaining peace on the land.

" Our children , are on an island , unknown and unheard of ... " Principal Kuro stood up to leave , " I do not know the one who orchestrated this but mark my words , if anything happens to my kids ... I will devour them..." His words built pressure inside the room , enough to make Professor Graham gulp.

Principal Kuro and Professor Graham left the room , as Ivy and Victor gaped silently at the leaving party.



" So , what do you plan to do , who is your suspect?" Dr Jackal queried as he stood besides a bookshelf in the principal's office.

" We have to infiltrate the Elder Council." The declaration made Dr.Jackal drop almost everything on the shelf. 

" How do you even intend to do that?" Dr.Jackal asked frantically.

" Its you and me Jackal.....we sneak in just like the good old times."

"We sneaked in and out of the dorms ...NOT THE ELDER COUNCIL." Dr Jackal affirmed.

" I always wanted to do this...." Principal Kuro smiled .

" That smile of yours...takes me back ages.....I didn't like that age..." Dr. Jackal scorned.

" Listen Jack , There is someone inside the Elder Council who is responsible for this and we do not have time.....not to mention there is Ivy."

" I figured you would suspect Victor more...since he couldn't catch the map and all..."

" You think he pretended not to know ? Victor is smart , there is absolutely no way he wouldn't have noticed..... the map , was not the new one was the old one I showed."

" *Whistles* I feel bad for Ivy at this point..."

" She pointed it out thinking she could put the blame on Victor....she panicked....or she wouldn't have made such a blunder... I expected it to be harder than that but I must say I am disappointed." Principal Kuro , leaned back on his chair. 

" How did she escape us for so many are so dumb Kuro."

" That still doesn't confirm if she is the one who killed Adonis and Aslihan but she is definitely involved in all of this." Kuro stood up and grabbed his jacket putting it over his shoulder , " We go in tonight by the way..."

" Tonight?!"

"Correct.... Jackal... I dont ever want to lose a student I lost Yusa..."

Dr Jackal remained silent as he put back the fallen books on the shelf.

" I will be ready..." He said calmly.

Principal Kuro smiled softly , 

" Excellent!!!"



A cloaked figure stood infront of a large golden gate. The red moonlight shone off the cloth.

" Have the three reached the island?' The cloaked figure spoke to the other cloaked figure behind .

" They have master...." Replied the boy in the cloak.

" may leave now.."

" But master...will you be..."

" Hm... you think of me to be weak?"

" No..."

" I have been waiting for this night for a very long time and I finally have Kuro in my hands... go my child...I will be alright." 

" Understood" and the boy disappeared.

" Jackal.....KuroOkami..... " The wind blew off the hood , revealing Ivy , " I am waiting..." she whispered , her eyes gold.
