Chapter 76 : Someone to Trust


*Team Yosei*

Dolion continued watch and listen to the conversation between Laila and Krystallo.

As the discussion ended he decided to finally address the person behind him,


His face was close to Dolion's ears , in a gesture with an intent of whisper.

" Master Ivy sends her regards to Eisen." He spoke to Dolion in a low voice.

"She is here too soon. Reason?"Dolion spoke but in Eisen's voice.

" Unprecedented chase by the other two principals..they seem to have caught on."

Hawk replied.

" you and your friend there intend to follow us to the temple?"

" Yes."

" Then I have a mission for you ..."

" A mission?"

" Take out Krystallo in a manner that will make Laila trust me for good...." Dolion looked back slightly into his eyes.

Hawk took a moment of silence and then nodded in affirmation,

" Understood...however...I donot think he is someone who can be won over by master...."

" Who said anything about that? Remove him entirely...take his life." Eisen said with a sharp gaze , " or do you still harbour emotions for your friends?"

That anger caught Hawk by surprise ,

" If I did...I wouldn't have left Malak on death's door.." Hawk replied .

" Yet he still lived...make sure to open the door for this one...I am beginning to lose my patience."

" Understood Eisen.."

" I hope."

Dolion stepped out to return to Laila and sat down , next to her.

Hawk continued to stare as Thorn patted his shoulder finally bringing him out of his thoughts.

" Are you alright?" She asked in a worried tone.

" Yes , I am." He replied in a soft tone.

" How do you intend to get rid of Krystallo..will you really..take his life?"

" If need be..yes I will."

" Is that necessary.."

" Time will tell if it is or isnt..."




" That took us a while...but we finally made it huh." Noel said as he held Iris up , supported her to walk with her arm around his shoulder.

" Thanks Noel." She spoke in an exhausted tone.

" Just returning the favour.." Noel smiled. " I will take you to this place's hospital..I am extremely familiar of it.."

"How come?"

" That's ..a story for another time." The ray of ligh activated and Noel and Iris were suddenly at the hospital's entrance. Noel has used his gleam.

" We donot have much time to spend here as Iris sat down next to the gate."

" Yes but you aren't really able to move are you...and you are in no position to fight either..." Noel leaned in and sat down infront of her , " I ask you to let me share the burden but you just won't let me...and that isn't helping much."

" I will not let a student bear the responsibilty of problems that adults failed to solve.

" That kind of wishful thinking...will it really do us any good.." Noel sighed.

" Listen , Noel....I will follow you to the island soon ...there is something I have been able to look into..and I need to tell you before I pass out." She was breathing heavily.

" I saw.... Ivy and a young boy....likely Eisen have an argument with my ancestor whose memories I am carrying...he was likely their brother..atleast that is what my mind tells me...They are angry and shouting at him with an insane look in their eyes. I saw my ancestor close the gates of a temple and then bury its body to the ground. Before he did he entered the temple and was standing infront of a throne.He destroyed its stone but it affected him ..somehow...I keep seeing someone's eyes...someone trying to take over me...resisting him is taking all I have....All I could infer is that..that temple should not be any cost...donot let Eisen and Ivy enter the a message that keeps ringing in my ears.... Kill them instead is what I keep hearing....Noel..." Iris was barely holding herself concious, " I am sorry I couldn't be of more use to you and your friends but please do your best with all that I could get ..."

Her eyes closed and she lost conciousness.

"Don't worry Miss Iris...I have seen your struggle with my own were fighting... even when we were all unaware of the danger...thankyou for protecting our ignorant souls...I promise you ,I won't let us all fail you."

Noel left her at the gate and stood up to leave.


Noel rested a bit, ate his full of a meal and set out again.

He walked on and on until he reached the shore and found himself a boat.

As he was untying the rope , he heard a familiar voice.

" My my boy...what are you doing here..." it was Dr. Jackal.

Dr . Jackal stood at the edge of the shore as Noel was just about to paddle off.

" trying to get the island?." Noel had no response nor was he expecting someone to be here.

" My boy if you leave on that poor thing you will neither reach nor return... come with us...."

" Us?"

Dr. Jackal smiled as he signalled Noel to follow him.

As Noel followed Dr. Jackal a flashback came to his mind.

As Iris and him sat around a fire , Iris handed him a bowl of warm soup.

" You know Noel..there may be a time where you will be the only one to know everything but you won't have someone to trust that information with."

" Is that speaking from experience?" Noel replied her with a question.

" try to be astute but being a mind reader doesn't make you intelligent.."

" Am I wrong though? ...and ouch.."

" If you ever feel like you need to trust someone , other than can trust a real good friend of mine..."

" A friend?"

" His name is Jackal..."

" As in...Dr Jackal?"

" Oh so you have met him..."

" Not in the most favourable conditions , he treated me and then threw me in jail."

" Well that ensures me we are talking about the same person...yeah you can trust him."

" Wonderful..."

"* chuckles*"

As the flashback ended. Noel said a word that made Dr. Jackal stop in his tracks.

He turned around , his look serious.

" Where is she ?" he said in a calm but strong tone as he heard Noel say her name.

" Safe." Noel replied ," I have some information that I need to pass on to you in case I am no longer..functional..."

" In that case , let us return to -"

" ONLY you.." Noel cut him off and rendered him silent.

Dr.Jackal took a sigh.

" Alright. Let me hear it."

Noel nodded and told Dr.Jackal everything.
