WebNovelSpy Tales100.00%

Chapter 1.1

A school life, huh? I've always been curious for that. That's exactly why I took the mission without hesitation from the annoying old man. I wanted to be free from him and from that place for a while. I guess this is not a bad idea.

A 16 years old teen wondering about his school life as he watched the outside world through the train window. The train was hovering above it's railway using an advanced maglev system.

This country, who was in chaos 10 years ago because of The Great War, had improved dramatically in modernization. Our job as spy is to protect this peace in the shadow so that the same tragedy won't happen again. However, I'm still curious about one thing, how could a single spy became the mastermind behind The Great War? Well, it's just a myth after all, most people thought so. There's really no reliable evidence about it even until now.

After the teen arrived at the destination station, he took a bus which will take him to the spy academy. When he arrived there, the bus stopped in front of the academy gate that were guarded with some man wearing black suit and black glasses. The teen stepped out from the bus and calmly walking towards the gate with the other freshman students. When he's inside, he stopped in front of the main lobby door which was also guarded. He looked up to show his face to the CCTV. The CCTV scanned his face.

"Code name: Lone Wolf, you're allowed to enter." A woman voice could be heard, it's an AI that designed to recognize face. Then the door automatically opened like a lift door.

When he was about to enter the lobby...

"Unknown user detected! Unkown user detected!" The enough loud AI voice could be heard clearly by everyone there.

Suddenly, one of the guards that guarding the lobby door put the unknown student in a headlock in a flash that everyone there wondered what just happened.


"You dare to infiltrate here, young boy."

"Wha-no way, I shouldn't be detected."

So that's what happened, The boy tried to inflitrate when the door was opened by me, taking advantage of the crowded situation. But how did-

Oh, I see. there's also a sensor in front of the door, it made really small that it's almost impossible to notice. The protection here are really top-notch.

"Listen, students. This is a lesson for all of you. Always pay attention to your surroundings." Said the guard.

Everyone can only observed as the boy tightly escorted out of the gate. Some of students were amazed by how fast the guard reacted, it was indeed a lightning speed.

When he was inside the lobby, the teen followed a person who's guiding freshman students to some kind of place. It's turned out that they were guided into a large hall.

"Alright, freshmens, take your seat and sit calmly because the welcome ceremony is about to begin soon, don't forget to fill the right seats first."


The welcome ceremony was tiring, we had to sit for about 2 hours and also have to listen to the speech that take half of the entire time. Well, anyway I'm heading to my class now.

In a short time, the teen found his class. He entered the room and headed towards the seat that has been marked for him.

Oh, a middle seat, perfect. Not in the back nor in the front.

There were 20 seats in the classroom, they were arranged in 5 rows and 4 column. The teen's seat was located at the side of the room, near the window. That time, the teacher hasn't arrived yet.

"Oh, this is my seat? cool! but... Hey, you!" Suddenly, a girl beside the teen called him.

"Huh? What is it?"

"Oh, sorry for calling you out so sudden, but I have a favor to ask you."

"Huh? Fine... What is it?"

This girl, We haven't even known each other but she-wait, forget it, we haven't even introduced ourself.

"Could you switch your desk with mine?"

Now, what in the world is she asking me to do.

"Excuse me? What you just said?"

"I said, could you switch your desk with mine? Please, I want to sit near the window." The girl begged.

"But you already near it, though."

"I know but... It's not as close as yours."

The girl's seat was exactly besides the teen's seat.

"Hey, listen. Even if I want to, the seat is marked for me, same as yours, there's no way we could switch as our heart content." Said the teen.

"Aww, c'mon. Are you that stupid? We can just switch the desk position, it's moveable as you see, So the there's no one who'll notice the change."

Wait, wait. Did this girl just called me stupid?

"No, who knows if I would get into trouble just because of this."

"What? Who would get into trouble just because of changing desk position?"

"I see, you're a stubborn one aren't you? We haven't even know the rules of this academy but you must know that there must be a reason behind the positioning, we can't just change it as we want."




"I said no"

"How about if I become your friend as a return? You seemed lonely don't you? Hehe."

Tch, this girl. How did she-How long will she annoy me like this.

"So what you say?"

"A no is a no."

"Well... How disappointing, you missed the opportunity to make friends."

Like I would want to make friend with a beautiful, blonde hair, pretty eyes-Wait, hold up. What am I thinking.

"Do you want to change your mind? It's still not to late, you know. But if the teacher came into our class, then-"

"Good morning, students."

As both of them busy with themself, the teacher came. They didn't realized that the class has filled with all students that time. The girl sat quickly at her seat with an embrassed look.

'Take that' The teen said in his heart.

The girl looked at the teen with a look that says, 'I'm not done yet, we'll settle this later.'

"Great, all of you arrived here in time. Before we begin the introduction, do you have anything to say?" Asked the young male teacher that seemed to be in his 30th.

The students were confused, they had nothing to be said.

"Alright, I'll take that as a no then."

19... 20. There are 20 students in total, yeah, it was obvious from the number of seats, though. But If I'm not mistaken there are only 19 student listed in our class. Most likely an error in the student database.

"We'll start by me, I'm code name: Light, will be your instructor for the whole 3 years, I hope we can cooperate well."

The students were clapping their hands as sign of appreciation.

"Next, you at the right side. Then continued by the person besides you and so on. Tell us your name and your dream."

The student stood up, "Everyone, let me introduced myself, I'm code name: Intel, I'm willing to become an elite spy in the future, that's all. I hope we can cooperate."

The students started clapping again.

The next student stood up, "Let me introduced myself, I'm-

"Behind you!"

Suddenly, the student beside him shouted and the student who were about to introduced himself looked back.

He found that the student behind him already pointing a gun at him, and was about to fire. Panicking, the student beside him jumped at the one holding the gun and took him down. He restrained both of the gun user's hand.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Everyone was shocked, they couldn't believe what they just witnessed. The classroom atmosphere turned into an uproar.

"Luckily, you were quick or else, your friend might have died a moment ago." Said the gun user calmly.


"Teacher, someone tried to kill one of us here!"

Without saying anything, the teacher walked towards the gun user and offered him his hand, he took his hand and stood up.

"Wha-Teacher, he just-



The students were confused.

"I'm really disappointed in all of you." Said the teacher.


They were even got more confused.

"All of you get back to your seats, quick." The teacher ordered.

Students sat back to their seats exept for the gun user, he stood next to the teacher in front of the class.

"What's the meaning of this?!"

"Don't say that-

"I said quiet."

There's no student brave enough to utter anymore words that time.

"Do you know who he is?" Asked the teacher.

"Of course, he's a student from our class."

"Are you certain?"

"Wait, wha-but..."

"But, you talked to me normally before, what's wrong with you?"

The teacher sighed, "Now, I want you to tell me how many students there are in your class?"

"Of course it's 20."

Wait, our numbers are...

"Are you paying a close attention to the list of students from this class?"


All students checked their cell phones.

"What... 19..."

"But, teacher. We have 20 seats in our class."

"So, you assume that there's an error in student database? You think we would forget about every students who enrolled into this academy?"


"Now, please introduce yourself to the first-years."

"Alright, I'm code name: Sneak, I'm a second-year student here."

At that time, student were dumbfounded, they couldn't close their jaws.

"I have told you before haven't I? Always pay attention to your surroundings." Said the teacher.

That time, all students finally understood. Their teacher was the one disguised as the guard in front of the lobby door.

That means, It probably was also a well made scene like this.

"Listen, a spy should be cautious of all dangers all the time, don't let your guard down even for a second. Or else, you could endanger yourself and your comrades at any moment, remember that well."

Students were speechless.

"Alright, let's continue the introduction."