Back home (part 1)

The wind gently caressed Ara's face as she leaned her head against the carriage window, watching the passing landscape. The lush forest and refreshing weather were a spectacle to behold, but she was in no mood to appreciate it.

After returning from the battlefield, Ara had collapsed as soon as she entered the inn. It felt as though her body was being torn in all directions by an unseen force. The strain on her poorly trained body was overwhelming.

She sighed, recalling her conversation with Hamon. Deciphering his words felt like navigating a maze. Why had he accepted her proposal? She had a clear reason to marry him, but Hamon had no apparent motive. With his handsome face and status as the crown prince, he could easily choose someone far more suitable than her. When he first questioned her motives for helping him, he didn't seem to believe her easily. So, what had changed? What part of her did he find appealing?

'I don't know why he agreed to marry me so readily,' she mused. Hamon had seemed repulsed by her until she removed her helmet. Perhaps it was due to the way she appeared in her armor—like a man. A flurry of thoughts raced through Ara's mind. Their encounter had been brief, and she didn't fully understand his intentions.

She remembered the last image she had of him, standing tall despite the blood seeping through his bandages. What stood out most in her memory were his mesmerizing red eyes, staring at her with an unwavering expression. Had they met before? The familiarity of his gaze drove her mad, but there was no way to find out unless he told her.

'That's enough, Ara. Stop thinking about him,' she told herself firmly. Everything had gone according to her plan. She didn't want to care about anything except her family. As long as Hamon became king and prevented Cornell from seizing the throne, nothing else would matter as long as her family was safe. She could make herself a princess, a powerful queen, and eventually make Cornell pay for his evil deeds. And after that, she didn't care if she was banished; she would change the future.

'He said he would visit in fifteen days, so I'd better be prepared.'

Emma, who had been watching Ara stare out the carriage window, spoke up in a whisper, "My lady, did you meet him that night?" Emma was the only one who knew that Ara had snuck out that night without anyone else's knowledge. Since returning at dawn, Ara had been in a daze, looking like a lovesick girl. Emma's curiosity had been piqued, but she hadn't dared to ask until now.

Ara noticed Emma's curious expression and smiled softly. "Yes, I met him. Thank you, Emma," she said gratefully. She was thankful for Emma's help that night; without her, she wouldn't have escaped the guards so easily.

"O-oh... You don't have to thank me, my lady. I was happy to help," Emma replied, blushing. But what bothered Emma was why they had skipped Lady Danielle's birthday banquet after bringing so many gifts. After returning to the inn at dawn, Ara had suddenly claimed she was unwell and wanted to return to the Boxton mansion. She hadn't eaten properly during the journey back and had spent most of the time staring blankly out the window. Emma wondered who this man could be to cause her mistress such stress, or if something had happened that night. Her mind raced with possibilities.

The two women were lost in their thoughts as the carriage swiftly carried them back to Boxton mansion.

A breath of fresh air tickled Ara's cheek. She turned her face towards the breeze and finally took in the endless array of trees passing by. The clear, cloudless sky and tranquil breeze made her strangely excited. Though her mind was tangled in complicated thoughts, her heart knew the road ahead led back home. The thought of seeing her father, brother, and sister again made her smile faintly. It was comforting to have a place to return to; she would endure countless trials to protect it.

As soon as the carriage arrived at the mansion, the main door opened, and Anne's voice rang out, "Sister Ara!" Anne ran towards Ara, throwing herself into her sister's arms before Ara had fully climbed down the carriage steps. They embraced as if they had been apart for years, and Ara hugged her sister tightly, smiling.

"I'm finally home, Anne."

"Yes, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too. Did anything happen while I was away?" Ara asked as she stepped down from the carriage, holding Anne's shoulders.

"Ah, yes... Father kept sending letters saying he was coming home, but he didn't. Another letter arrived today, though. He's on his way back."

"Father is coming today?" Ara murmured, a mix of excitement and nervousness in her voice. Her father was always busy as the kingdom's commanding general, often residing in Zari to manage his duties. Ara managed the household in his absence, while Henry was in charge of the Boxton soldiers. Every commanding general in Findara had their own troops to train. In the past, it was normal not to see her father for long periods, but the situation was different now. In her mind, she hadn't seen her father in nineteen years, and the thought of seeing him again twisted her stomach with nervous anticipation.

"Then I guess I'll be in charge of the menu tonight."

Anne confidently spoke up, "I already told the cook to prepare Father's favorite dishes." Her proud and expectant look was so endearing that Ara stroked her cheek. "Well done. Can I trust you to handle the household now?" she asked with a smile.

"No, I have you to do that. I don't have to do it myself," Anne replied, pouting.

Ara felt a pang of guilt at Anne's innocent words. If she truly married Prince Hamon, Anne would have to manage the Boxton household. Ara stroked her sister's hair and said softly, "One day, if I get married, you'll be in charge. You should start learning to manage things on your own."

"Oh, relax, sis. I have plenty of time before you get married," Anne remarked with a cheeky smile.

"No one really knows. Maybe one day I'll meet my prince charming and fall in love at first sight. And maybe you'll find your prince ch—"

"I'll never do that! I don't believe in love or marriage nonsense!" Anne interrupted, pouting.

"I know you'll change your mind once you find your prince charming someday," Ara teased.

"No! I'll never love anyone more than I love you!" Anne declared, folding her arms stubbornly.

Ara looked at Anne with a hint of worry, but she was also grateful for her sister's affection. "Me too. I could never love anyone like I love my family. You're all precious to me."

"You said it wrong. You're supposed to say, 'Anne is the most precious to me,'" Anne corrected with a playful grin. Her sister's correction made Ara laugh, as it always did. Taking Anne's hand, Ara started towards the mansion. "Let's go inside."

"Yes, Sister Ara. And tell me about your journey."

"Ah, well..."

Anne's question reminded Ara of the long, arduous days spent traveling. She had met Prince Hamon and fought off soldiers, but that was hardly a story to tell. "Well... It went well. Nothing special happened," Ara replied, falling silent. The servants, who had been waiting by the main door, approached.

"My lady, where should we put the items from the carriage?"

"Take everything to my bedchamber."

At her orders, the servants obediently carried the large trunks and followed behind the sisters, who walked hand in hand. The pair was a beautiful sight to behold.

Ara still found it hard to adjust to her new life. She hadn't lived as a noblewoman for long, but she didn't let it show. As the beloved daughter of a general and the woman in charge of the household, she had to maintain her composure. It was also important to understand the grievances of those of lower status and not act overbearing. Since childhood, she had been mindful of this. Having played the role well in her past life, the Boxton servants were now well-organized under her care.

As they walked, Anne swung her sister's arm and asked again, "What made you come home early, hmm?"

"Well... I had an upset stomach during the journey," Ara answered. Anne had been curious about why Ara returned earlier than expected, but her reaction was more intense than Ara had anticipated.

"What? What did you eat?!"

"I'm alright now—"

"So that's why you came back earlier than I thought... Let me get the physician right away."

"You don't have to. I feel bet—"

"Wait in your room. I'll be right back," Anne said as she ran off.

Some minutes later, Anne returned with the most famous physician in the north to check on Ara. Though Ara had a lot of work to do, she was forced to lie down and rest until sunset. But the problem didn't end there—something unknown to her was happening near the training hall.