
After preparing for bed with Emma's help, Ara stood in front of her room's mirror, a mug of chocolate in hand. She stared at her reflection, lost in thought. Suddenly, the door creaked open. Ara didn't need to guess who had entered without knocking; she turned her head to see Anne standing there, holding a blanket and a pillow.

"What are you doing here? Haven't I told you to always knock before coming in?" Ara asked, narrowing her brow.

"Oh, come on, sis, what's the big deal? It's not like you're naked or something." Anne's voice softened into a mumble, and Ara's mouth twitched with a hint of amusement. Anne tossed the pillow at Ara, but Ara dodged it effortlessly.

"I'm sleeping with you tonight, whether you want me to or not," Anne declared, making herself comfortable on Ara's bed.

"Why do you want to sleep here all of a sudden? You're no longer a baby," Ara remarked, placing her mug on the desk and picking up the pillow from the floor.

"I'm here because... I felt bad about how Father talked to you earlier. Aren't you hurt by his words?" Anne asked, concern evident in her voice.

Ara shook her head and walked over to her sister on the bed, stroking Anne's hair. "Not at all. I'm used to Father's way of speaking."

Anne looked up at her. "I think Father is too hard on you sometimes... He never scolds Brother or me like that, even when I disobey him. I don't like the way he spoke to you earlier."

"Anne, don't overthink it. There's nothing wrong with what Father said. He's just looking out for me," Ara reassured her.

"It was wrong! I hate it when he talks like that. He's being unreasonable. He thinks women aren't good for anything but to stay in the household!" Anne's anger made Ara's earlier disappointment melt away. Ara had no hatred toward their father, who had always supported her. Even in her past life, when she had wished for him to treat her more kindly, she had wanted the warmth he showed her sister and the high expectations he had for her brother.

Despite time turning back, Ara's feelings remained unchanged. She could feel it again—she really had returned to the past. In her previous life, she had forgotten what it felt like to be a daughter, and while she had lived another life for nineteen years, she was slowly readjusting to her current reality. She never thought she would feel disappointment seeing her father alive and healthy. But at this moment, all her remorse had melted away. The chocolate she received and Anne's warm words made everything right again. Once more, she thanked the heavens for having her family back with her.

Ara climbed into bed and lay beside her sister. Anne's face lit up as she snuggled closer, grabbing her pillow and getting comfortable. It was as sweet a suggestion to Ara as it was to Anne, who hadn't shared a bed with her sister for a long time. Ara hadn't been able to sleep properly ever since she returned to the past, afraid it was all just a dream. She whispered softly to her sister, feeling the warmth of Anne filling the space next to her.


"Hmmm." Anne's voice was already thick with drowsiness. Ara wrapped her arms around her and slowly closed her eyes. "Thank you for being my sister."

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing, go to sleep."


As she listened to Anne's calm breathing, Ara indulged in a sense of comfort she hadn't felt in years. In her past life, she had raised her sword in pursuit of revenge, and even now, she couldn't fully leave that instinct behind. But tonight, she soon fell into a peaceful sleep, free of nightmares—the most restful night she could remember.

* * *

The next morning was beautiful. Ara woke up early, did her morning pushups, and immediately went outside. Luckily, the Boxton mansion had plenty of space for physical training. Ara had chosen running as the most effective training method that wouldn't arouse suspicion.

A few soldiers, busy with their own morning training, spotted her running and stared in shock.

"Is that the young lady?" one soldier asked, poking the man beside him.

Squinting at Ara's running figure, the other soldier confirmed, "It is the young lady. What's she doing running around on the training field?"

"Don't know. Never seen her run before. Could it be she's training?"

"Haha, what would she be training for? She's a woman, and women only ever end up in their husbands' homes. Maybe she just felt like running."

"Who knows?"

They decided to mind their business and continued their training.

Ara heard them talking but ignored their chatter, focusing on her steady pace. She was running when she noticed a tall shadow approaching. Glancing sideways, she saw a handsome man with black, shoulder-length hair tied in a ponytail. With a healthy, tall build and a stoic expression, he ran beside her with the perfect form of a soldier—it was her brother, Henry.

Henry had heard from his men that his sister was spotted running on the training field but dismissed it as a mistake. Seeing her now, running like any other soldier, he could hardly believe his eyes.

"What made you suddenly start running today?" Henry asked.

Ara greeted him with a nod but didn't answer until she finished her lap.

Henry, who had kept pace beside her, stopped and watched with curiosity. Running with her, he couldn't help but see her in a new light—this wasn't someone who would quit easily. She must have a strong will driving her.

"Don't you know fitness is important no matter what? I won't be able to handle the household if my body is weak," she finally responded.

"Is that it?"

"Yes. I want to run a few more laps. Are you coming?" she asked.

"Yes, but don't overdo it. If you push yourself too hard at first, you'll hurt your body. I think that should be enough for today. You should go back inside," he advised firmly.

"Oh... I'll keep that in mind then." Ara bowed lightly to Henry and headed back to the mansion, while he watched her retreating figure with pride.

Once back in her room, Ara sighed. Contrary to Henry's advice, she was determined to become as fit as possible in a short amount of time. She knew the muscle pain would last for several days, but it would eventually fade. There was so much she had to prepare to bring down Cornell. She needed to work on her sword fighting skills and prepare for her next encounter with the crown prince.


A soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. "Come in," Ara called. Emma entered, carrying a bucket of hot water.

"Milady, I'm here to prepare your bath," Emma said with a small bow.

Ara nodded, allowing the girl to do her work. "Okay, go ahead." But before she turned away, something in Emma's hand caught her eye.

"What's that you're holding?"

"Oh... this just came in a while ago. It's an invitation from the Morrison family," Emma replied, handing the envelope to Ara.

Ara took the invitation, recognizing the stamp on the envelope as that of the Morrison household. The Morrisons and the Boxtons had been long-time acquaintances. Opening the envelope, she found a wedding anniversary celebration invitation.

John Morrison was well-known in the northern region as a successful trader, with goods sourced from distant kingdoms. She remembered his wife, Luanda Morrison, who loved flaunting her husband's wealth and hosting extravagant social gatherings.

"Are you going to attend, Milady?" Emma asked.

It had been ten days since Hamon promised to visit her, which was now just five days away. The wedding anniversary was the day before his visit. Ara wanted to train as much as possible before meeting Hamon again, and the thought of spending time at an unexpected celebration frustrated her.

'Did I attend this in my previous life? I can't refuse a personal invitation,' she thought to herself.

"I'll think about it," Ara replied.