The enemy appears

Hamon and Ara continued to move around the ballroom, deliberately making sure they were seen together by everyone so that the rumors would spread it's wings even further, that they fell in love at first sight at the grand ball.

"I think we've been seen by everyone for now, Let's_" Ara began, but then suddenly froze in place, her words stuck in her throat, when she caught sight of a familiar figure in the ballroom.

The middle-aged man stood tall with his broad shoulders, there was an air of strength around him, and his hair which was already turning white in her previous life, was now dark as ebony. The middle-aged man was talking to another man, he let out a deep laugh, goosebumps rose through her flesh at the sound.

Ara could imagined his face even without having to face him...

His image from her previous life suddenly flashed to her head.
