
Ara didn't wake up until it was midafternoon the next day, she slowly opened her stiff eyes, but what met her eyes was an unfamiliar ceiling. Was she still dreaming? She thought and carefully used her hands to rubb her blurry eyes to see clearly if she was really seeing right.

Just as she tried to sit up, she heard a voice from beside her, "You are finally awake, future wife."

Ara immediately turned her head to the direction of the voice, she gasped as she saw Hamon was lying right next to her on the bed with his head propped on his elbow as he gazed at her with his burning red eyes.

She quickly sat upright on the bed.

"You should sleep more. You need it so much for what you did last night." Hamon didn't sound doting at all. In fact, he sounded like he was scolding his wife who came home late after getting drunk.

"Where is this place?" She asked.

"Where else? My room of course." He deadpanned.