Bloodthirsty demon

As the couple approached the hall, the guards standing at the door offered them a low bow before opening the double door. As soon as they entered the lavishly decorated hall.

All the guests, who were already mingling amongst each other stopped to look at the couple. The crowd clapped and some walked up to them to warmly congratulate the couple on their wedding day.

After the congratulations and greeting, Hamon took Ara straight to the table of the royals, Ara smiled as they approached the table.

King Fredrick was quick to glance at them and said, "My son and my daughter-in-law are finally here."

At the royal table, there were few people sitting there apart from the king and queen, sitting in their respective seats were a few people each who'd come to represent their kingdoms with gifts. The moment king Frederick spoke, they all glanced to the couple's direction.