Tie it for me

Soon the sun began to set behind the horizon. As soon as Hamon returned to his residence from the royal council meeting, he strode straight to his chamber. The thought of coming home to his wife made him smile as he stepped inside the room. His residence had always been a lonely place before, he'd sometimes hated returning to the palace, but now he had a wife to return to, and soon they'd build a home, a family. Even though she didn't love him yet, he'd wait for the day she'd fall in love with him and return his feelings, Hamon thought as walked inside his room.

He was to take Ara to the king's residence tonight for dinner, but when he stepped inside the room, it was empty, but then he heard the sound of water in the bathroom and knew she was in the bath. A smile drew on his face as he recalled how Ara had slipped away from his hold in the training hall with her face all pink.