Kiss me

"For all I care, You are my wife and I can choose to attend to you in however posture I want. Am just treating your knee, they can come and see. And anyone who dares utter a word against you will have to face me first." He stated firmly as he continued to wrap the bandage around her knee after applying the ointment.

His words were enough to set fire to Ara's confused mind. Her heart pounded in her ears even louder than before, she could feel his gentle touch on her knee, it sent sparks to her body making her blood boil from his searing touch.

Hamon finished wrapping up the bandage and glanced up at her with a soft gentle smile on his face, "All done." Ara nodded slowly as she gazed at his face, his eyes were filled with warmth. He was still on his knees in front of her gazing back at her.