Hunting memories

At the Boxton mansion inside the servant's quarters, Merek stood by the window with a deep frown. He'd just received a letter from the palace and after reading the contents, he angrily crumbled the paper in his hand balled into a tight fist before tossing it into the trash pan.

The contents of the letter read. [ You have been granted a leave from work. You have the permission of his highness to take a vacation at the Boxton mansion, you will stay there until the Boxton's return to the north. I hope you enjoy your stay there without having any mission to assassinate.

From your subordinate, Oliver.]

Only Merek knew what Oliver meant by telling him to enjoy his stay not having any mission to assassinate. The nasty jerk was taunting him, he'd always tried to avoid Oliver at the palace for the sake of not wanting to pick a fight with him, but what was written in the letter still frustrated him to no end.

'Why on earth am I suddenly given a leave from work?'