Under attack (part 2)

Hamon looked up and saw the rain of arrows coming down towards them, he swiftly pulled Ara and flung them to the side. His head whipped in the direction where the arrows came from and he saw countless shadowy figures coming towards them from the darkness. There was only one way since the attackers are coming from the place their carriage was parked.

He quickly pulled Ara and turned towards the forest ahead of the bridge. Ara also noticed the shadowy figures, but as they came to a halt she worriedly glanced up at him, "Don't worry I'll get us out of this." He assured.

Hamon then put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. Suddenly there was a loud sound like drumbeat and branches creaking from the dark forest. Ara turned towards the direction and saw Hamon's white horse, Astral, came galloping to them.