Love token

Ara's eyebrows creased as she thought through all the recent events to remember what she'd forgotten, but nothing came to her mind, "What is it? I don't remember..."

At her words, Hamon slipped his hand inside his pocket and brought out a small box. Even before he opened it, Ara recognized the box, "How did you get that?" It was the gift box she'd prepared for him that night, but lost it in the forest when they were being chased.

Hamon opened it, and the emerald diamond ring came to view. She took the box from him with a surprised look, he then said, "You forgot my present."

She looked away from the box, "But where_"

"Oliver found it in the forest, and he told me you bought it for me the day we were attacked. So, did you really plan to gift it to me as your love token?"

Ara flushed, she was ready to give him now, but she was too embarrassed to say the words, she decided to tease him a bit, "I didn't buy it for you."