Gathering evidence

Sensing his sister's hesitation, he spoke, "It's fine if you don't feel comfortable giving me your piece of clothing. I'll take no offense if you refuse."

"But then where would you get one if I don't give you?"

"I don't need the piece of clothing anymore, after all it is not necessary. I just wanted to take yours so I wouldn't be bothered by the ladies on the day of the tournament."

It wasn't against the rules of course, Ara wanted to give it to him, but then realized if she gave him, the women in Findara would think her brother was taken already and none would approach him.

"...Brother am sure you'll get one tomorrow from your secret admirers. Mark my words, you'll find your soulmate at the tournament." She teased.

Henry scrunched his face,"I have none. Please don't curse me, I don't want a soulmate."