The queen's end (part 2)

"Mother, this is not the time to get angry. Hamon wouldn't do anything to her, but if we stay, he'd surely lock me back in his dungeon, and maybe even lock you up with me this time for what you did." Cassius reasoned with his mother, if there was one person he feared the most in this world, it was his half brother, Hamon. And he wasn't ready to return to that dungeon of his.

Merona thought about it briefly and couldn't agree less with Cassius' words. Hamon wouldn't lay a hand on Eadlin, since they seemed to have a good relationship, but if she and Cassius wasted anymore time here...

"Alright, we have to leave through the secret door to avoid being caught. Now let's go." She made towards the door, but stopped when Cassius didn't follow behind her, "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" She snapped.