Cassius' death

After the battle and the crown Prince's victory. Some of the high ranked soldiers and officials gathered in the largest hall of the throne room. The hall was filled with voices as the people recalled stories of the battle amongst each other.

"His highness, the crown Prince has arrived!" The herald announced Hamon's arrival in a booming voice. And everyone stopped talking and turned towards the entrance, they all bowed in respect. Sounds of shifting metal armour resounded in the hall as they bowed, "Hail the crown Prince!"

Hamon proudly stepped inside the throne room, he no longer had his armour on, but a loose white shirt, which rested causally on his torso, with black trousers, his silver hair poured down his shoulders, and swayed as he walked inside. Right next to him on the right, was his wife, who was also dressed in a black matching loose shirt and trousers, meant for men. Then behind them, Oliver and Merek followed closely like shadows.