"Who the fuck is there?!"

Ara along with her handmaid and the soldiers set out of the palace to meet Hamon. The road to Bredon wasn't a smooth road, it had a lot of bumps, and there were high cliffs on either sides of the road. And Ara was sure if Hamon was on his way back, he'd also pass by this same way.

Ara's carriage was moving near the cliffs, it was a spontaneous outing that hadn't been planned in advance. The carriage rattled as it moved through the bumpy path under the protection of the soldiers. Ara placed her hand on her stomach, something she had been doing lately even without realizing it,

"We will meet your father soon..." She muttered with a small smile. She wondered if the king of Bredon had agreed to support Findara, or perhaps there had been some delays. But Hamon should have at least sent a letter to let her know if he'd even arrived there safely, however there was no news from him for the past two weeks.

She sighed heavily,'Hamon, I hope you're alright...'