You will never be with her

Earlier in the slayers headquarters, after Hamon and his men invaded the building, and a fight broke out between his soldiers and the slayers. Hamon had squeezed out of the fight and made his way deeper into the building in search of his wife while ruthlessly cutting down anybody who stood in his way.

But somehow as the fighting was going on, inside one of the room's where small explosive bombs were stored, someone had mistakenly hit the torch on the wall and it fell beside one of the bombs, making it explode together with the room. Which had been the cause of the fire in the slayers headquarters.

Hamon frowned deeply when he did not find Ara even after searching every single cell room in the building.

'Where are you?'

Hamon ran back to the large main hall where his soldiers and the slayers were fighting, and found Merek, "She's not in here, I've checked every single cell." He said in frustration.