
The sun began to set behind the horizon, leaving behind it's orange hue in the evening sky. Winter was approaching pretty fast, and In the main city of Findara, where the celebration of the kingdom's victory was still bustling. The people all wore colorful thick fur cloaks as the night life was approaching.

The city was vibrant and lively. However, in the middle of the night market, a young lady was seen wandering around the city, she was covered in mud from head to toe and dirt that stuck to her face and hair. She looked haggard as she sluggishly wandered around, the people in the market tried not to bump shoulders with the dirty lady as they all avoided her.

The young lady was none other than, princess Eadlin, who had managed to flee from the Boxton mansion despite the soldiers guarding the premises. Since Henry wouldn't allow her leave, she had left before he arrived. She didn't want to be a burden to any of the Boxton's, not even her half brother.