A deal

"Your highness!" Henry called walking towards Eadlin who was hurriedly making her way down a deserted alleyway in the city.

"Your highness please stop!"

"Can you please stop calling me that!" Eadlin suddenly halted her steps turning around, she snapped.

It was a good thing Eadlin hadn't gone too far, and when he had realized her absence behind him, Henry had quickly followed the path, and there he saw her walking away in hurried steps.

She glared at him, her face showing a mix of emotions, anger, exhaustion, defeat.

"I'm no longer a princess, I don't deserve that title, from now on, I'm nothing more than any other person on the streets, so please, stop addressing me as such, and please stop following me." Tears slid down her face.

Henry knew she had been through a lot tonight, and the weight of what actually happened to her was just settling in.

Eadlin turned around to leave, she seemed determined to go.