After returning to their territories each Alpha explained the situation of the previous days activities. All of them knowing they needed rest, especially the twins who were born in the middle of such chaos that Taehyung believed they would have perished by now. They were amazing. As soon as they walked into the silent house, as the other wolves hadn't returned from the safe houses yet, Taehyung's nostrils flaired at a scent that shouldn't be in here.
"Aisha, take them out the back door and into the garden, there's a shed only you will see, as it has been bound by mystical energies, you will be hidden and protected. Go there now." Taehyung whispered to her.
Not asking questions, Aisha silently went out the back door and away from the danger.
"I told you I would find you and shatter your world like you shattered mine." Kai growled.
"Kai? Why are you here? Where is Anaki? He doesn't make a move unless you order it." Taehyung asked.
"Your Luna should be finding out right now. You took the life of my mate, my Luna, it's only fair I return the favor." Kai smiled at Taehyung.
"There are bigger things going on than your little revenge scheme. You should talk with Moon before making a decision that will effectively end yours and Anaki's lives." Taehyung pleaded with Kai.
'Kai was waiting for me and Aisha when we got home. No one is here and I'm sure Aisha is in a dicey situation. Send help A.S.A.P.'
"I don't care what you and my brothers have going on with anyone else, as far as I'm concerned, I was exiled for trying to defend my mate who sacrificed herself for YOU! I have nothing left to live for. Anatashi is gone, I have lost my mate, but of coarse, I'll survive." Kai shouted.
"She was the only one who knew me, touched my heart, and calmed my Wolf. Now there is nothing but dark, black, ugliness. She was the light and everything beautiful in life. Now that is all gone." Kai sank to his knees, the howl that left his mouth knocked Taehyung and Aisha out cold, leaving the twins asleep on the ground, in their mother's arms. Gathering the three of them, Anaki carried them into the main house and laid them beside Taehyung on the floor.
"Nicely done, Anaki. I can think of no better solution than burning the memories of the past, to the ground." Kai said crazily.
"Why the twins, brother? They have never harmed anyone. They are still innocent, as we once were. Give them the chance to decide if the world is cursed or blessed? Who they wish to run with. I will take them to opposite ends of Creation, give them to two separate wolf families and they will never see each other again." Anaki asked hopeful.
"If I allow this, and you betray me, I will hunt you as I have hunted these fools," pointing at Taehyung and Aisha, "What do you say, brother? Do you agree?" Kai raised his eyebrows at Anaki.
"I will do as I said. What are their names?" He looked at Kai.
"Tsuki and Yuri. Hand them to us and we will be merciful." Suga growled, Rixa and Shunee at his flanks.
"Well, if it isn't the 'First Born'. You have no business here. You weren't as foolish as your brother was in taking away another wolf's mate." Kai spat.
"Taehyung didn't take your mate! Taehyung has been Jungkook's mate for millennia, and vice versa." Rixa laughed.
"I don't believe he's talking about them. He's talking about Anatashi. She was Taehyung's father's Luna, she gave her life to make the elixir that saved Aisha and the twin's lives. You were Anatashi's mate." He stuttered.
'Moon, please hear me! Kai is here and is derailed over Anatashi's death, we can't wake Taehyung, Aisha or the twins. Get here A.S.A.P.'
"Are you sure you're the first born? What do you Royal Council wolves actually teach, talk about, and do here? It sure as hell isn't training or tradition, history, or even family! You are all privileged, nanny pampered, coddled pups here. Where are your warriors, where are the defenses? We literally walked right through your front door. I thought that there would have been someone." Kai laughed.
"You are not aware of all of our wolves, but they are here. Step outside please." Suga backed up so the two could follow.
"Anaki, give me that filthy Royal pup." Kai ordered, looking over at Suga and the others, "Leverage, you see?" Kai smiled.
"Why aren't they waking up? The howl is gone." Shunee asked.
"Their ears will be ringing for hours. The twins will regain hearing back shortly, however, but their tiny ears may or may not have recieved permanent damage. I'm surprised you are standing. I'll just bring up the decibel a bit!" Kai threw his head back, preparing to release his death howl again, but a tiny flash of metal came flying by Suga's ear, whistling as it went by, he knew who threw it. It punctured Kai's throat in just the right spot to disable his howl for the time being.
"Excellent timing, as always, Ni-Ko! You are going to make a hell of a sniper!" Suga smiled. Niko was Rixa and Suga's adopted son, and only heir to the Singularis pack.
"What is wrong with my voice? What did you do to me?" Kai tried to talk, but all that came out was a croak.
"You won't be able to pull that trick again for a while. Your voice will always have a rasp to it now, you're welcome." Niko smiled.
"Anaki, I know that you don't have the same ill intent for those twins, but if you don't give them up you both will die." Suga growled releasing his puff aura that freezes solid and you will not move until Suga recalls his aura. All Rixa and Shunee had to do was walk up to Kai and Anaki and pluck the twins from him. Once they were safely behind Suga and Niko, Suga recalled his aura and let them thaw for a bit.
"Who's gona wake up first? Them or our Popsicles?" Niko giggled, looking at the statues unaware of their audience.
"Smartass!" Rixa smacked him up side the head.
"I've missed you, Niko! I'm glad you're almost old enough to be by my side in battle. I am proud of the steps you have made." Suga beamed.
"He will go into battle with us BOTH understand? Never alone." She hissed.
"This is why I chose you as my mate." Suga cowered slightly.
"Right. You know I chose you." Rixa laughed.
"Incoming!" Suga announced, the hair standing straight up on the back of his neck, backing them all up.
A shimmer of light blanketed the area around them, and when it dissipated Suga's eyes shot wide open, there was Moon, Kurgi, Shyfter, and 2 other wolves behind them.
"You actually came. Thank you. Jungkook and Makai are on their way here now. What went wrong with Kai? He's unhinged! He and Anaki almost burned Taehyung's life to the ground and the twins along with it. Would you like to explain it to your brothers that they are alive because I allow it." Singularis looked Moon, a Son of the Moon, dead in his eyes.
"I see you, Alpha Singularis." A voice from Suga's past froze him to his core.
Snapping around to see the eyes, the wolf behind this voice, his heart stopped for a second. He never thought he'd see Sanji ever again in his life.
"Sanji? You're alive? My friend, what happened?" Suga fought for words.
"We will talk, not now, but we will talk. We need to take care of our traitors first." Sanji growled and walked toward Kai and Anaki.
"Anaki was not the mastermind of this plan. Don't punished him for Kai's foolish actions!" Suga asked respectfully.
"We will take it under consideration. Thank you, Niko, for your quick action saved all who were here. Had Kai howled once more it may have killed some of you. Suga, he is your heir, is he not?" Sanji asked.
"Yes he is. Niko will be a better Singularis than I ever was. When he is ready." Suga clapped Niko on the back.
"Suga, are the twins alright? Where are Tae and Aisha?" Jungkook charged through the gathering of Wolves.
"Damn, Kook, I knew you were fast, buy I never knew you were this fast!" Suga said.
"Everyone is good. I think you need to apologize to the Old One you just plowed through." Suga pointed.
"Who are they? I recognize Moon, Kurgi, and Shyfter, but who are the others? They having a nap?" Kook gestured at Tae and his Luna.
"Kai and Anaki were here waiting for them. I was closest, so I came, and froze them after Kai put them to sleep with his howl. Niko saved the day!" Suga smiled looking at his son.
"Niko, thank you for your quick thinking! You saved my family and the future of the wolves. You are raising a great leader, Suga." Jungkook smiled.
"Take your friends, when they have fully recovered we will speak with you all. Are there any wolves that are not here, but play a part in this?" Sanji asked Suga.
"Yes, we have the Alphas and betas from each of the 7 packs, the Rogues, and of coarse, the Council wolves. What do you know of them or of this?" Jungkook asked.
"The time for questions must be put on the back burner. We need to find out why Anaki and Kai went off on their own. Grant us this kindness? Is there somewhere we can gather?" Sanji asked seriously.
"You may use this cabin as your meeting house. I'll have some food and drinks brought to you and your companions. Had we known how many of you were coming, we could have prepared better." Jungkook bowed his head.
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