Heavy Rain (2)

'Peace,' I've been thinking.

Though the shinobi's death was decided beforehand, it was thanks to his sacrifice that I survived.

Upon this seemingly endless life within Amegakure, along with this kid named Yahiko by my side, I came to realize.

One's peace can only be attained by someone else's sacrifice. The world where everyone gets to laugh and enjoy altogether... doesn't exist.


"What are you looking at, Akashi?"

I pointed my finger forward in response to Yahiko's inquiry—where a young girl was caught by the frail-looking man. It was evident that the girl was trying to steal from the man's fruit vendor, and failed miserably.

"F****** kids nowadays!!!!"

There was no compassion for the man to spare. The eyes with nothing but blood lust—the girl will die if no help arrived.

"...Akashi, what are you about to do."

For the kids like us, an act of thievery was the only way to survive. The adults, who possessed the skills to self-provide, refused a single shred of kindness to the dying children on the street.

'I've long decided that such selfish people don't belong within my definition of peace.' Just as how I met good adults, there too were the ones better off dead.

Ignoring Yahiko's shaky voice, I tightened my grip on a kunai that I managed to get a few days ago.


"It's simple, Yahiko. We have two choices," I stated, "Either to let the girl die and have the man enact his revenge, or to save the girl by killing the man." I shifted my eyes to Yahiko, "I'd rather see the man die than the girl."


"Shut up. If you wish to stop me, go ahead and do something instead of sprouting non-sense."

A kunai. It was a weapon built to slay lives. It was the first time that I ever touched it, but... the metal object felt natural in my hands for a bizarre reason.

"The fact that you aren't acting means one thing: you inwardly agree with my ideal."

Yahiko didn't speak any further, being at loss for words.

Hesitation? There didn't exist any. Any second wasted may lead to the girl's death—hesitation was a pointless waste of time.

Therefore, within seconds, I was right above the man, with the dull kunai in my grasp—

—and mercilessly stabbed it into his skull.

A silent scream was heard. The man's whole body shook, and his eyes flipped. The foams formed on his mouth, and his grip on the girl's neck weakened.

Then the man fell, lifeless. The blood spilled and mixed with the puddle of water. His dying expression was that of a shock, as if unable to believe that he would face such an anti-climactic death.

On the other hand, the girl fell to the ground and breathed heavily. Gripping onto her bruised neck with shaky hands, she huffed and puffed, with her face wrinkled up and her eyes tearing up in pain.

In front of the girl, I stood. Though I am unsure of how I managed to maintain calmness after my first act of murder, I was too occupied with the anxiousness that protruded down my spine after realizing what I've done.

"Come on!"

Lifting up the powerless girl within my frail arms, I fled from the scene—


"That rat is dead! Finally... I'm going to get something to eat for once!"

—though no one seemed to care. Everyone simply ran maniacally toward the exposed fruit vendor, ready to savour all the nearly-rotten edibles that lied.

Yahiko followed from the back with a complicated expression on his face.


The three of us sat in a small cave that we managed to find. Unfortunately, it was impossible to generate fire within this humid environment of Amegakure, however, we, by staying near each other, preserved some degree of warmth.

"...Konan. That's my name."

In the darkness, the girl, Konan, muttered.

"Thank you for the help."

I smiled in response. Though my thin arms were trembling slightly from the sudden stress that they were put under, they weren't of my concern.

"Was it really necessary to kill?" Yahiko whispered to me from the right, "We could've just run away without killing the man."

"No." I retorted with certainty, "Many people went berserk for survival after the man's death. He had the means to keep them away from him, and if not for the element of surprise, who knows what would've happened to the three of us."

No regret. I did what I believed to be right in my way.

"...I suppose so." Yahiko eventually nodded in a pale realization.

With the silence now engulfing the dark cave, I placed my palm on the cave wall that we were leaning against.

Cold and wet. It definitely wasn't suitable for survival.

"...Ha." I sighed, but grinned nonetheless, "This really sucks, doesn't it?"

Konan tilted her head questioningly.

"First, we need shelter. Staying any longer in this kind of environment equals risking ourselves for various diseases, hypothermia, and many more."

I paused for a moment, before continuing,

"Once we get sick, it's over—especially when coupled with our malnourished state. Remember that."

"How do you know so much?"

I turned my attention to Konan, who asked with sparkling eyes.

I smiled, "I had good parents."

"You mean you had smart parents." Yahiko said mischievously, to which I chuckled while weakly smacking the back of his head playfully.

Yahiko leaned to Konan as if trying to speak in silence, "I think his family was pretty rich."

Turning around,

"You want to come with us, Konan?"

I held my hand out to Konan, who grabbed it eagerly,


I didn't hide my excitement upon hearing her positive answer. With a grin, I introduced myself,

"My name is Akashi. Nice to meet ya."