Growth (7)


A mysterious boy whom Jiraiya met sometime around 3 years ago, in Amegakure.

'When I first saw him,'

He was on the verge of death, malnourished. He was the kid who screamed 'help' for the entire week all around, such that it entered even the ears of the ninjas—he surely wasn't your average child.

Then, during Hanzo's sudden attack, he lured Inuzuka Takahiro away from Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato, and successfully defeated the trained chunin... with sheer will alone.

'As unbelievable as it may be,' Jiraiya couldn't help but chuckle, 'Sometimes, the reality is even more unbelievable than the fantasy itself.'

Now, the boy stood again in front of him, having turned out to be alive—breaking Jiraiya's expectations once again.


During his stay for 3 years, Jiraiya developed the information network in the secluded Amegakure. By conducting investigations into the cause of Hanzo's abrupt fury, Jiraiya came across one shocking piece of information.

'Hanzo's daughter married an outsider, and had a child.'

When Jiraiya heard it, he found a chill running down his spine. Fate, that was the only word that he could use to summarize the story,

'And that child's name is Akashi.'

What would Akashi's reaction be, if he comes to know that Hanzo, the one who cared only for his own well-being such that he failed to protect his own daughter and grandson, is his grandfather?

'Will you succumb to hatred, or will you break that despicable cycle?'

If possible, Jiraiya wished to take Akashi to Konoha. But he knew that the boy of strong will was someone who won't listen—there was nothing Jiraiya could do, but to prepare the boy as much as he could.

'Chakra reserve amounts to... an average chunin level at max, though it's only because he's 11 in terms of age. Amazing chakra control, on par with Tsunade's level. Highly trained body, suitable for hard physical tasks. And above all, intelligence unfit for a child.'

There wasn't much time. Jiraiya had to draw the best possible way to guarantee the child's survivability. And it didn't take long.

'...Eight Gates.'

Usually, within a situation where the Eight Gates Opening is required arises, ninjas will resort to running away than fighting.

'But you are someone who values an ideal over life.'

Following Maito Dai's example probably was the best for Akashi—although it was a high-risk and middle-return technique that ninjas didn't prefer. Hell, Jiraiya, who didn't train physically as much as the ones like Dai and Akashi ever have, only knew this technique by theory.

Nonetheless, he believed that Akashi will be able to open them. for it has already been proven from Maito Dai's case that willpower and perseverance were the keys to this technique.

'Maito Dai and Akashi.' Jiraiya found them quite alike.


So why was Jiraiya doing all this for this one boy, you ask? The boy who wasn't even a part of Konoha, or may end up turning as an enemy in the future; why would Jiraiya go to this extent for Akashi?

Because above Nagato, above Minato, Jiraiya believed Akashi to be the 'Child of Prophecy.'



As Minato, Hanami, and Saru are busy undergoing physical exercises on the other side, I sat down, facing Jiraiya who sat right in front of me.

"A week has passed since our journey, and we are most than halfway to the site of the mission. Prior to the start of my team's mission, for classification purposes, we will have to separate with you, Akashi."

I nodded calmly, having expected Jiraiya's answer. He already was being extremely generous with this training offer, and I had no complaint at all about this decision of his.

"...Now, listen carefully, Akashi." Jiraiya sighed, as he gazed at me with worry in his eyes, "This world is dangerous. You, without any parents or caretakers to protect you, probably have been going through this harsh condition by yourself for years. But, this is clearly abnormal, and I won't be surprised if you end up killing yourself as the result."

I nodded again, finding no fault in his reasoning.

"When you are alone, always value your safety above all. If you find a situation that you are unable to resolve, run away. There is no such thing as an honour for a ninja, and the ones who win in the end, are the ones who survive."

If my ideal doesn't get challenged, I will do so.

"...Good." Jiraiya massaged his temple, as if he is unable to believe that he's about to do whatever he's about to do.

Taking in a deep breath, Jiraiya looked at me again with a serious expression, "I will now implement you the knowledge regarding the Eight Gates Opening."

My eye widened in complete shock. I felt my heart stopping for a moment, unable to believe what Jiraiya just said.

I recalled Hidemitsu's explanation to me. Eight Gates—it was something that I've been interested in for a while, but wasn't able to determine how to do so.

And I was about to learn that right now.

'Is this a fate?'

I couldn't help but think as Jiraiya opened his mouth,

"Listen well. I too have the knowledge only, and therefore, am unable to demonstrate to you; whether you manage to use it or not depends on your perseverance."

Gulping unconsciously, I nodded with an equally serious face.


Train, train, and train more. Although the amount of training that I've been undergoing since joining team Jiraiya has been the same as before, the rate of my improvement was drastically different with a proper teacher.

Taijutsu and ninjutsu. Jiraiya focused on teaching us the foundations and utility aspects of these fields, ones that increased a ninja's survivability rather than flashiness. If Gin was the best teacher as a swordsman, then Jiraiya was the best teacher as a ninja.

Time passed on and on. Training, traveling, eating, sleeping—it was the repeat of such a routine, and before I knew, almost two weeks have already passed by.

Currently, the sun set and moon rose from the horizon, this travel was nearing the end. I probably will begin my travel back to Amegakure soon, in order to reunite with those three.


Taking in a deep breath, I was sitting on top of a rock, meditating. Breathe in, and breathe out. I was monitoring and maneuvering the flow of chakra in my vessels.

It felt peaceful. My mind was at an ease, enjoying the cold air of the night.

'I will return to Ame, and join those three.'

Then what?

'They wish to change Ame for better.'

I remembered the heavy rains. They were familiar, and at some times, they came off as soothing. However, I now experienced the blue sky, white clouds, and the warm sun. I now experienced the golden scenery of the dawn, the view that was far more beautiful than the red clouds back in the land of rain.

I've now experienced the peaceful atmosphere of Tanzaku Quarters. I had many delicious foods and wore better clothes. I attained 3 swords of high-grade, and have become a capable shinobi myself.

The water that doesn't flow rots. A change is required to make it healthy again. Amegakure, the secluded village that has been accumulating rain non-stop for years, needs a change for the better. Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato's thoughts overlap with mine.

'For the sake of peace, war must happen, but war is the cause that disrupts peace. Ironic and moronic, but undeniable.'

War doesn't necessarily have to be that of a grand scale. Its essence is the selfish desire to sacrifice someone for oneself.

Then, for Ame's peace, and for our peace, who should be sacrificed? The answer was simple.

'The one who stands above all those rotten adults of Ame, Hanzo of the Salamander.'

The old and selfish leader, the most stale and rot of all. I believed that it was necessary to pull him down from the throne.