Hunter of Hunters (6)

'Chakra is the mix of spiritual and physical energy.'

Information brought by the ninjas that I've killed, and the stranger who has approached me all of a sudden; in the end, none of them can be trusted, and the dilemma lies on whether they have spoken the truth, or have intentionally lied.

'Spiritual energy is composed of one's perception, intelligence, wisdom, memory, and other factors related to one's mind.'

The stranger in the ramen stall—judging by his sudden approach, it is safe to assume that my identity has already been figured out. It seems most probable that he is another bounty hunter, however, nothing can be ascertained. Based on his nuance in terms of speaking, he knew that I was contemplating between two different locations, and attempted to guide me to the restaurant in the northwest. Perhaps such an abrupt approach is how the underworld functions, telling the newcomer the way to gain an assess to the bounty station, but that was my speculation at best.

'Upon the elemental transformation, such essential qualities of chakra are lost. Elemental transformation—it is the main characteristic that distinguishes the variety of clone techniques. In comparison to the basic clone and shadow clone techniques, the other clone techniques that I know of, require the transformation of chakra into one of the existing elements.'

And therefore, in this dubious situation, I decided to reveal one of my cards.

'Then, what of shadow clone, that directly incorporates the pure form of chakra? It requires the user to fill the shape of a clone with chakra to the brim.'

During my battle with Minato against the Iwa ninjas, I witnessed him utilizing the Shadow Clone technique. With the unique hand seal, along with the mechanism of the technique, known to me now, I was confident that I can attempt to recreate it without a heavy risk—especially since my total chakra reserve has gotten quite a growth as I entered the age of 12.

And so I did. Shadow Clone technique—prior to entering this town, I completed the first step of successfully using it. It was thanks to the underlying purpose of the 'Clone technique,' which favours simplicity above all in order to allow instant usage during a battle.

'I did suffer from the heavy chakra exhaustion, but there was one subtle characteristic that I managed to gain a hint of.'

After the use of the Shadow Clone technique for the first time, my head was spinning. My vision momentarily blackened due to the sudden depletion of chakra, and I was sprawled across the ground for some time.

And yet, I had the memory of what happened during then—except that such 'memory' showed me—lying on the ground—in the third person's perspective.

'Which means, upon dispelling the shadow clone, the rush of chakra back to the user also contains the "memory" of the clone.'

An extremely useful effect, I thought. Although the heavy requirement of chakra was a huge downside, with this technique, I am able to collect the information that may cost my life in a risk-free manner.

And now, in a small room within the inn, I sat still with my eyes closed, meditating.

'Feel the flow of the chakra, control is flow, and remember—how I managed to do it last time around.'

The flow of chakra has begun to quicken vigorously. Then, upon my concentration,

Whoosh! The first gate of the Eight Gates, has once again been open, granting me an increased surge of chakra.

'A temporary increase in my total chakra output—suffice enough to handle one shadow clone.'

Let's begin.

"Shadow Clone technique."

Poof! For the second time, I've created a solid clone of myself. Although it was followed by a heavy sense of exhaustion, I've nonetheless endured, and watched as the clone of myself nodded at me prior to exiting the room.

'And now,'

I've turned my attention to an instant noodle on a table.

'Let's replenish my chakra reserve back.'


The night has ascended in the town of Koahi. The lively street has been replaced with a silent and desolate view, void of civilians.

Everyone was aware—that ninjas' time has begun.

"Watcha looking at?" The man with spiky black hair, one among the Konoha 4-men squad, whispered at his Hyuga teammate, who was gazing outside through the window.

"That cloaked individual," Hyuga said calmly, with the veins popped out around his white eyes, indicating that he has activated his dojutsu: Byakugan, "That isn't a human."

"A clone?" The spiky black muttered with seriousness, to which Hyuga answered with a nod.

"At first glance, I didn't notice. Then I realized that that thing doesn't contain chakra veins, but is filled with chakra from head to toe."

The spiky black's eyes widened, "...Shadow clone, are you trying to say?"

"Exactly," Hyuga said coldly, "and we didn't receive any information that another team has been dispatched here."

"A traitor of our village dwells here." Spiky black claimed.

"Or our techniques have been leaked, which suggests that there is a spy in the village."

Spiky black then stood up all of a sudden, as if having decided something, "Let's tail that man."

"Leader isn't back yet," Hyuga shook his head, "Don't act rashly, especially in this town."

"Our village literally has an ongoing war up at north, and admit it," The spiky black growled, "we are losing. We have no time to waste here!"

"But our current investigation is just as important, in a sense that what we may be trying to unveil here, may be related to the other villages' potential attacks on our village." Hyuga stated adamantly, "Stay, and wait—"

"You wait like the coward that you are! I'm going!"

Without listening any further, the spiky black silently creaked the window open, and jumped out of it, causing Hyuga to facepalm.

"This idiot..." Hyuga shifted his eyes to where Dai was silently sitting, and stated, "get ready. We are heading out, now."

"But," Dai tilted his head questioningly, "leader said—"

"So? Are you going to leave out our teammate like that?" Hyuga snorted as he looked at Dai with disdain, "When will you be of use to the team?"

Dai scratched his head as he stood up, suppressing the frown that threatened to appear on his face.

'This team...' Dai internally thought with concern, 'the leader who works alone, the teammates who don't follow the orders, is this really fine?'

Due to Konoha having been exposed to wars non-stop, many unqualified ninjas have received the promotion. Dai's team was one of such. Especially with Hyuga and spiky black being the ones who received the promotion to chunin abruptly, the leader of their squad came to think that they will be nothing but nuisances during the mission.

Dai recalled what their leader said back then,

Konoha's strongest suit, teamwork, was non-existent here.


Akashi's clone, acting as if he didn't notice the ninjas tailing him from behind, continued his walk toward the restaurant located in the northwest, heeding the words of the stranger in the ramen stall that the mayor's house is dangerous.

'Dark,' The clone noted as he now stood in front of the restaurant that was closed for the night, with no light coming in.

He walked forward, and upon reaching the door, extended his hand out to grab the handle and open it—

"What a nice surprise, for my prey to come here willingly,"

—only to stop due to a kunai at his throat.

"Black hair, black-coloured eyes. Yes, a nice disguise you made for yourself...


From the clone's back, a huge man with a black mask and a black cloak draped around himself, Kakusu, stated.

"...And you are?" The clone said coldly.

"Your death," Kakuzu chuckled giddily as he instantly shoved the kunai at the clone's throat, only for the clone to lean back toward Kakuzu, and dodge the kunai at the last moment, "and the owner of your bounty as well."

"Nice eyes you got there," The clone whispered as he turned his head up to face Kakuzu's face from beneath, before attempting to land a punch at the latter's face.


"Really?" Kakuzu effortlessly caught the clone's punch without any difficulty, "You can do better than that, can't you?"

'An incredibly strong combat capability, along with the greed for my "bounty."'

It didn't take much for the clone to reach a conclusion,

"You are the 'Immortal,' I see."

Kakuzu clapped while rolling his eyes, "Very impressive."

'So this restaurant is a trap, and yet, original's goal at the same time. Chance is that the bounty station lies at the mayor's house, and never seen again, due to... there being another exit.

However, in regards to this man, "Immortal," there is no way that the original stands a chance right now. Forget getting rid of all possible attacks in the future by dealing with the bounty station; it was out of original's rash decision, made out of his fury. Coming here was a mistake, and he has to withdraw from this village, fast.'

Disregarding Kakuzu, the clone then turned around, and stated while looking at the dark, "Why don't the three of you come out as well?"

"What are you so afraid of, Akashi?" Kakuzu said out loud, with his arms wide open, "Let's leave the spectators to enjoy for a while longer, no?"

The clone, upon hearing Kakuzu's words, gave him a middle finger,

"Now about no?"



The shadow clone dispelled, leaving Kakuzu dumbfounded.